






  126. Auktion

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  Katalog 125. Auktion

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FHW Auktionskatalog 81  

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Alle Angaben in EuroSortieren nach
301Transcontinental Air Transport Inc.26.02.1930400,00offen
302Transylvania Railroad30.04.1912175,00185,00
303Trenton & New Brunswick Railroad10.03.1904120,00offen
304Triunfo Gold & Silver Mining Co.22.02.1865200,00200,00
305Troy & Bennington Railroad Co.03.08.1917120,00offen
306Troy & Lansingburgh Railroad01.02.1868110,00offen
307Union Leasing and Mining Co.16.08.1895200,00offen
308Union National Bank01.01.1873100,00offen
309United Air Lines Transport Corp. (Delaware)01.01.1934240,00offen
310United Rico MInes Co.31.08.190840,0040,00
311United Smelters, Railway & Copper Co.26.03.190980,00offen
312United States & Brazil Mail Steamship Co.24.05.1890350,00offen
313United States Electric Lighting Co.02.05.189480,00offen
314United States Steel Corp.03.12.192565,00offen
315University Courier Publishing Co.13.05.1893180,00offen
316Utah Land & Water Co.03.07.189985,0085,00
317Utah Lime & Cement Co.27.01.1891160,00160,00
318Utah & Salt Lake Canal Co.14.03.189875,00offen
319Valley Railway04.03.187490,0090,00
320Virginia & Carolina Southern Railroad Co.01.07.1913125,00offen
321Virginia International Land Loan and Trust Co22.06.187185,00offen
322Walter Baker & Company, Ltd.07.10.192585,0085,00
323Washington Central Railway18.06.1914140,00offen
324Washington County Railroad30.06.1898120,00offen
325Washington & Western Railroad01.07.1882250,00offen
326Wayne County Railway10.12.1913100,00100,00
327Weir Frog Company10.10.1904200,00offen
328West End Street Railway Co. of Boston (Mass.)01.01.1894150,00offen
329West End Street Railway Co. of Boston (Mass.)01.01.1894150,00150,00
330West Jersey Ferry Co.20.01.1893100,00offen
331Western Pennsylvania Railroad Co.05.04.186075,0075,00
332Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co.01.01.1950100,00offen
333Westmoreland County Coal and Coke Co.28.04.188370,00offen
334Westport Sanitarium Co.01.01.1890175,00offen
335White Motor Corp.01.01.1970100,00100,00
336Wild Horse Cattle Co.28.08.1885450,00offen
337Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railroad01.07.1901160,00offen
338Woods Mobilette Co.01.08.1916325,00offen
339World’s Columbian Exposition23.12.1891550,00offen
340Yellowstone National Park Transportation Co.01.01.1898400,00400,00
341Yellowstone National Park Transportation Co.01.01.1910350,00350,00
342Yellowstone Park Hotel Co.01.01.1900240,00offen
343Bradley Oil Co.25.07.192240,0040,00
344Brandon Island Oil Co.03.01.1865250,00270,00
345Buchanan Farm Oil Co.20.01.1865200,00200,00 n
346Burning Spring Oil Co.02.11.1864350,00offen
347Calf Creek Oil Co. of West Virginia11.03.1865200,00260,00
348Clear Fork Oil Co.10.09.190175,0075,00
349Commonwealth Oil Co.22.12.1864200,00240,00
350Esperanza Land and Oil Co.01.08.190480,0080,00 n
351Fayette & Greene Oil Co.10.08.1865280,00330,00
352Globe Oil Co.28.12.1864250,00270,00
353Green River Oil Co.16.11.190475,0085,00
354Highgate Petroleum Co.06.07.1865250,00330,00
355Hoffman Petroleum Co.08.11.1876350,00350,00
356Hudson Oil Co.20.11.192430,0045,00
357Humboldt Oil Co.04.02.1865350,00offen
358Imperial and Kanawha Valley Oil Co.23.05.1865240,00330,00
359Inter-Mountain Oil Co.01.11.191750,0050,00 n
360Maple Grove Petroleum Co.02.10.1866280,00320,00
361Mayfair Oil Co.31.01.192040,0052,00
362Mc Elheny Oil Co.09.08.1864200,00200,00
363Mecca Oil Co.20.06.1901120,00120,00 n
364Middle States Oil Corp.02.07.192380,0090,00
365National Oil & Pipe Line Co.23.04.1901200,00200,00 n
366Old Burning Spring Oil Co.14.11.1864350,00380,00
367Perry Oil Co.02.06.1864220,00offen
368Phoenix Oil Co.10.09.1864250,00290,00
369Piedmont Oil Co.22.12.1900100,00135,00
370Pierce Oil Corp.01.05.192260,0060,00
371Red River Oil Co.28.10.1865600,00650,00
372Reno County Oil & Gas Co.24.06.191950,0050,00 n
373Revenue Oil Co.10.09.1864250,00290,00
374Ritchie Mineral Resin and Oil Co.01.05.1869100,00140,00
375Rynd Farm Oil Co.19.01.1872450,00450,00
376Shenango Oil Co.24.06.1865200,00260,00
377Southwestern Oil and Gas Co.16.06.190375,0075,00
378Sovereign Oil Co.08.04.1901150,00150,00 n
379St. Nicholas Oil Co.28.08.1874200,00250,00 v
380Strouds Run Petroleum, Mining & Manufacturing Co.14.08.1865220,00260,00
381Tarr Homestead Oil Co.25.05.1865250,00250,00
382Vulcan Oil and Mining Co. of West Virginia23.01.1865250,00250,00
383Confederate States of America, Cr. 6 A (R6) - Ball 4 (R4)01.05.186160,0060,00
384Confederate States of America, Cr. 7 A (R9) - Ball 7 (R4+)01.05.1861140,00offen
385Confederate States of America, Cr. 12 A - Ball 23 (R5)01.07.1863200,00200,00 n
386Confederate States of America, Cr. 17 (R7) - Ball 45 (R5)29.01.1862130,00130,00 n
387Confederate States of America, Cr. 18 (R6) - Ball 71 (R5-)08.04.186280,0080,00 n
388Confederate States of America, Cr. 20 (R6) - Ball 87 (R4+)10.03.186355,0055,00
389Confederate States of America, Cr. 26 (R8) - Ball 42 (R6-)06.01.1862250,00offen
390Confederate States of America, Cr. 32 (R6) - Ball 67 (R4)01.07.186260,0066,00
391Confederate States of America, Cr. 38 (R7) - Ball 88 (R5+)02.02.1863100,00100,00 n
392Confederate States of America, Cr. 39 (R7) - Ball 92 (R5)21.10.186260,0060,00 v
393Confederate States of America, Cr. 48 (R7) - Ball 133 (R5-)08.11.186250,0055,00
394Confederate States of America, Cr. 55 (R7) - Ball 49 (R4+)27.05.186280,00offen
395Confederate States of America, Cr. 62 (R7) - Ball 77 (R5)03.02.186350,0070,00
396Confederate States of America, Cr. 65 (R6) - Ball 90 (R5-)24.02.186360,0060,00 n
397Confederate States of America, Cr. 68 (R6) - Ball 104 (R5)24.02.186350,0055,00
398Confederate States of America, Cr. 68 A - Ball 103 (R6-)20.02.186345,0045,00 v
399Confederate States of America, Cr. 72 (R5) - Ball 120 (R4+)04.12.186245,0045,00
400Confederate States of America, Cr. 75 (R5) - Ball 134 (R4+)30.04.186245,0045,00
Alle Angaben in Euro

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