






  126. Auktion

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  Katalog 125. Auktion

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FHW Auktionskatalog 98  

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Alle Angaben in EuroSortieren nach
1Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.192570,0070,00
2Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Imperial Railways of North China)01.07.1899100,00120,00
3Elektrowerke AG (Electric Power Corp.)01.04.192880,00110,00
4Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexico)01.12.1904350,004.300,00
5Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexico)01.12.1904350,004.300,00
6Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexico)01.12.1904350,0013.000,00
7Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexico)01.12.1904350,0011.000,00
8Ferrocarrilles Nacionales de México (National Railways of Mexico)01.07.1907100,00220,00
9Freistaat Sachsen (Free State of Saxony)01.07.1927200,00240,00
10Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.191190,0090,00
11Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.191175,0085,00
12Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.191190,00105,00
13Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion)02.11.1908250,00850,00
14Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion)250,001.250,00
15Kingdom of Roumania Monopolies Institute01.02.192950,00offen
16Land Niederösterreich (Province of Lower Austria)01.12.192575,0080,00
17Land Niederösterreich (Province of Lower Austria)01.12.192560,0065,00
18Leipzig (City of Leipzig)01.02.1926400,00600,00
19MIAG Mühlenbau und Industrie AG01.06.192690,00150,00
20Republic of Poland01.04.192070,0075,00
21Republic of Poland01.04.192080,0085,00
22Republica Mexicana01.01.1899200,004.500,00
23Republica Mexicana01.01.1899200,002.000,00
24Republica Mexicana01.01.1899200,001.900,00
25Republica Mexicana, Estado de Tamaulipas (72 Stück)01.07.1903400,001.500,00
26Republica Mexicana, Estado de Tamaulipas (80 Stück)01.01.1907400,001.200,00
27Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk AG01.11.192580,00140,00
28Ruhrchemie AG (Ruhr Chemical Corporation)01.04.1928100,00110,00
29Ruhrgas AG (Ruhr Gas Corporation)01.10.192890,00140,00
30State of Bahia14.03.19052.000,002.000,00 n
31Albany Railway01.05.1873100,00offen
32American and British Timber and Cotton Land Co.20.08.1851200,00offen
33American Express Co.17.10.1865500,00500,00 n
34American Motor Transportation20.10.1928100,00110,00 v
35American Yacht Club02.07.1888200,00200,00
36Andover National Bank26.05.1911160,00offen
37Asylum Company07.04.1802300,00offen
38Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad01.01.1874180,00offen
39Atchison & Nebraska Railroad21.11.1870125,00125,00
40Atlantic Coast Line Railroad09.06.1905120,00120,00 v
41Bachman Valley Rail Road15.12.1881250,00offen
42Baltimore & Drum Point Railroad01.02.1888200,00offen
43Baltimore & Ohio Railroad04.07.1835150,00170,00
44Baltimore & Yorktown Turnpike Road Co.22.05.1884100,00offen
45Bank of Amsterdam01.04.1861200,00200,00
46Bank of Newburgh05.07.1811500,00550,00
47Bank of Orange County23.03.1864100,00100,00 n
48Bartlett & Albany Railroad02.01.188875,00offen
49Birmingham & Southeastern Railway01.05.191175,0075,00
50Bleecker St. & Fulton Ferry Rail Road03.01.191150,0050,00 n
51Blodget Canal Co.01.01.1799400,00offen
52Boston, Plymouth & Provincetown Steamboat Co.22.06.190080,00offen
53Brainerd & Northern Minnesota Railway18.04.1892450,00offen
54Breakwater Co.01.01.1920100,00offen
55Briggs National Bank of Clyde20.02.192950,00offen
56Buffalo & New York City Railroad14.11.1853250,00270,00
57Buffalo & State Line Railroad (OU Daniel Drew)05.02.18571.500,001.700,00
58Buick Oil Co. (OU David Dunbar Buick)04.03.1912200,00240,00
59California Eastern Extension Railroad01.10.1859200,00300,00
60Capital Savings Bank07.03.1892200,00240,00
61Carroll County Railroad Co.06.03.185170,00offen
62Carthage, Watertown & Sackets Harbor Railroad19.04.1871100,00offen
63Central Bridge Corp.20.05.182460,00offen
64Chambersburg and Bedford Turnpike Road Co.26.06.181870,00offen
65Charleston & Savannah Railroad19.12.1856200,00offen
66Chatham Rail Road01.05.1868100,00145,00
67Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Co.01.06.188760,0060,00 n
68Chicago & South Western Railway (Atchison Branch)01.06.1871275,00offen
69Cincinnati, Lafayette & Chicago Railroad01.07.1871125,00125,00
70Cincinnati & Muskingum Valley Railway23.11.1897120,00120,00
71City National Bank13.03.1884150,00offen
72City National Bank pf Philadelphia17.10.1884150,00offen
73Cleveland, Painesville & Ashtabula Railroad02.01.1856125,00offen
74Consolidated Electric Storage Co.01.08.189080,0080,00
75Cottage Park Yacht Club01.05.1907150,00150,00
76Detroit, Grand Rapids & Western Railroad13.04.1899125,00offen
77Detroit, Monroe & Toledo Railroad23.03.1857140,00145,00
78East Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia Railway01.09.1888250,00offen
79Edison Portland Cement Co.30.06.18991.250,00offen
80Elder Steel Steamship Co., Inc.03.02.192080,0080,00
81Elkhart Opera House08.08.190190,00offen
82Erie Canal Co.01.03.1844200,00200,00
83Erie & North East Railroad26.07.185980,0080,00 n
84Exchange Loan Association11.05.1857240,00offen
85Fidelity Insurance Trust & Safe Deposit Co. of Philadelphia13.03.1878150,00offen
86First National Bank of Newburyport01.04.1864200,00200,00
87First National Bank of Toledo18.12.187375,00offen
88First National Bank of Westminster10.01.186575,0075,00 n
89First National Bank of Woodbury27.12.190960,00offen
90Flint & Pere Marquette Railway02.01.1871100,00100,00
Alle Angaben in Euro

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Marietta & North Georgia Railway
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