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  Katalog 125. Auktion

  Gottfried Schultz

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FHW Auktionskatalog 78  

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Alle Angaben in EuroSortieren nach
91Paterson & Ramapo Railroad18.09.1862100,00offen
92Patterson’s Retail Cigar Co., Inc.75,00offen
93Penn Placer Mining Co. of Helena, Montana02.11.188980,0080,00
94Perth Amboy and Woodbridge Railroad19.05.1882140,00150,00
95Philadelphia Bourse18.05.189650,0050,00
96Pittsburg Traction Co.04.10.188965,0085,00
97Pittsburgh & West End Passenger Railway29.12.189770,0070,00
98Remington Arms Company, Inc.01.05.1922450,00offen
99Roseland Railway Co.28.05.192975,00110,00
100Rutland Railroad16.01.1874150,00160,00
101Salem Railroad20.12.188160,0075,00
102Sharon Railway10.12.189175,00offen
103Southwestern Railroad19.11.1896125,00offen
104Standard Coal & Iron Co.10.07.1882140,00150,00
105Stormont Mining Co. of Utah26.01.1887100,00110,00
106Submarine Boat Corp.21.01.1925180,00offen
107Sunbury & Lewistown Railway08.05.188875,0075,00 n
108Susquehanna Iron and Steel Co.19.06.190360,0060,00
109Tehuantepec Company01.11.1853750,00offen
110Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad23.01.1886100,00offen
111The Kaiserhof Hotel Co.24.02.1910120,00120,00
112Thorpe Mining Co.30.07.1896125,00offen
113Toledo, Columbus & Cincinnati Railway Co.05.10.190975,0080,00
114United States Worsted Co.07.06.1920150,00offen
115Washita Cattle Co.15.11.188375,0075,00
116Confederate States of America, Cr. 6 (R6) - Ball 3 (R4-)10.05.186170,00offen
117Confederate States of America, Cr. 29 (R5) - Ball 54 (R3+)05.05.186250,0055,00
118Confederate States of America, Cr. 36 (R6) - Ball 80 (R5)02.10.186275,0075,00
119Confederate States of America, Cr. 44 (R7) - Ball 116 (R5)10.12.186275,00offen
120Confederate States of America, Cr. 45 (R7) - Ball 117 (R5-)19.12.186280,0080,00
121Confederate States of America, Cr. 86 (R6) - Ball 66 (R4+)06.01.186380,0080,00 n
122Confederate States of America, Cr. 88 (R6) - Ball 75 (R4+)12.05.186260,00offen
123Confederate States of America, Cr. 116 (R8) - Ball 156 (R5-)01.06.1863400,00400,00
124Confederate States of America, Cr. 117 (R10) - Ball 157 (R5+)01.06.1863500,00offen
125Confederate States of America, Cr. 118 (R10) - Ball 158 (R5)01.06.1863500,00offen
126Confederate States of America, Cr. 119 (R9) - Ball 159 (R5+)01.06.1863800,00offen
127Confederate States of America, Cr. 123 A (R3) - Ball 166 (R3)02.03.186350,0050,00
128Confederate States of America, Cr. 128 A (R6) - Ball 25401.04.186375,0080,00
129Confederate States of America, Cr. 129 A (R7) - Ball 268 (R5+)01.04.1863110,00110,00
130Confederate States of America, Cr. 138 (R6) - Ball 280 (R3)01.06.186375,00offen
131Atlantic, Mississippi & Ohio Railroad01.01.1874200,00offen
132Brookville Railway Co.01.06.1898175,00offen
133International Railroad Co. of Texas01.08.1872300,00offen
134Macopin Railroad09.11.1886350,00offen
135Milwaukee & Prairie du Chien Railway15.08.1868425,00offen
136New York & Harlem Railroad21.10.1873475,00580,00
137New York, Pennsylvania & Ohio Railroad07.05.1880175,00220,00
138Ontario, Carbondale & Scranton Railway Co.17.10.1912180,00offen
139Plymouth, Kankakee & Pacific Railroad01.07.1871240,00offen
140Stafford Meadow Coal Iron City Improvement Co.30.01.185895,00100,00
141Agricultural Bank of Egypt01.01.1906275,00offen
142Anglo-Egyptian Oilfields Ltd.02.09.193675,0075,00
143Cie. Égyptienne Thomson-Houston S.A.27.05.1907100,00offen
144Cie. Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez01.10.1930750,00offen
145Commercial Bank of Egypt Ltd.10.11.192060,00offen
146Egyptian Improvements Corporation S.A. Immobilière Egyptienne15.04.1906120,00offen
147Electric Light and Power Supply Co.10.03.193380,00offen
148Express Nile Steamers Co.20.04.1906160,00160,00
149Heliopolis Palace Hotel S.A.01.01.1909110,00offen
150Helouan (Egypt) Development Co.19.04.190790,00offen
151Industrial Building Co. of Egypt01.01.1912350,00420,00
152Ismailia Fish-Duck Farming Co.27.05.1984120,00120,00
153Marsa Matrouh Salta & Potash Co. S.A. Égyptienne01.12.194780,0080,00
154National Bank of Egypt25.06.1948150,00offen
155Argentine Republic25.06.1900120,00offen
156Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.01.03.191270,00offen
157Banco Espanol del Rio de la Plata S.A.10.12.191050,0050,00
158Cia. Sud Americana de Billetes de Banco S.A.01.07.1890180,00offen
159Compania de Seguros LA REPUBLICA15.06.190350,0050,00
160Compania “RIO PEREZ” de Lavaderos de Oro01.06.190775,00offen
161Compania Telefónica Argentina S.A.15.10.1929150,00offen
162Industria Automotriz Santa Fe S.A. Fabrica Argentina de Vehicolos DKW Auto Union30.05.196070,0070,00
163La Argentina S.A.10.06.191450,00offen
164“La Hecto” Compania de Seguros Generales20.12.191850,0080,00
165Rio del Oro Gold Mines Ltd.16.06.1887275,00275,00 n
166S.A. Bodegas y Vinedos Domingo Tomba08.04.1911150,00offen
167S.A. The American Quebracho Company01.04.190785,00offen
168AG der Rigaer Strassenbahnen01.01.1911150,00offen
169AG der Rigaer Strassenbahnen01.01.1914150,00150,00
170“Eesti Vosvoriit” GmbH01.01.192075,00offen
171Rigaer Blei- und Zinkfarben-Werke AG01.01.1925100,00offen
172Rigaer Stahlwerk01.01.1900125,00143,00
173St. Petersburger AG der Chocoladenfabrik "Victoria"01.01.191140,0040,00
174Antwerpsche Ost-Afrikaansche Handelsmaatschappij07.05.189950,0065,00
175Cie. Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Européens S.A.01.10.191980,0095,00
176Cie. Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Européens S.A.15.05.1925100,00offen
177Cie. Internationale des Wagons-Lits et des Grands Express Européens S.A.15.05.1925150,00150,00
178S.A. des Produits Chimiques Industriels de Haren01.01.189980,00offen
179Soc. de Plantations & d’Elevage du Kivu S.A.01.01.1927100,00100,00
180Bahia Steam Navigation Co.27.02.1840200,00200,00 n
Alle Angaben in Euro

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28. Februar 2024:
125. Freunde-Auktion am 2. März 2024 in Wolfenbüttel – In 3 Tagen ist es endlich soweit!

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