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  Katalog 125. Auktion

  Gottfried Schultz

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Alle Angaben in EuroSortieren nach
331Banque de l’Indochine S.A. (Société Indochinoise d’Électricité)22.07.196520,0022,00
332Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A. (5 Stücke)15.03.1913500,00500,00 n
333China-Konvolut (33 Stücke)200,001.400,00
334Chinese Central Government03.03.19135.000,005.500,00
335Chinese Central Government Loan11.09.1913500,00850,00
336Chinese Engineering and Mining Co. (3 Stücke)15.10.191290,00130,00
337Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) - 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan01.06.1934120,00130,00
338Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) - 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan01.06.1934500,00900,00
339Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) - 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan01.06.1934100,00160,00
340Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 191202.09.1912400,00900,00
341Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 191202.09.1912200,00380,00
342Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913170,00300,00
343Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913120,00220,00
344Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.191375,00130,00
345Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913100,00480,00
346Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913100,00160,00
347Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.191375,00800,00
348Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.191360,0080,00
349Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913150,00260,00
350Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191301.06.1913150,00190,00
351Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (2 Stücke)21.05.191375,00130,00
352Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (2 Stücke)21.05.191360,00130,00
353Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (3 Stücke)21.05.1913100,00400,00
354Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (4 Stücke)21.05.1913150,00260,00
355Chinese Government (7 Stücke)01.01.1905150,00360,00
356Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II) (7 Stücke)30.09.1925650,00650,00
357Chinese Government Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway (2 Stücke)01.01.1936150,00200,00
358Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan) (4 Stücke)01.10.1919500,00600,00
359Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1896 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe von 1896)01.04.189690,00130,00
360Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe) (7 Stücke)500,00700,00
361Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.1898500,00500,00
362Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.1898500,00500,00
363Chinese Imperial Government Honan Railway 5 % Gold Loan of 190515.02.1906300,00300,00
364Chinese Imperial Railway Canton-Kowloon Railway (4 Stücke)100,00250,00
365Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Imperial Railways of North China)01.07.1899100,00100,00
366Chinesische Sparkassen (3 Stücke)01.01.0930100,00100,00 n
367Chinwangato Glass Co. (3 Stücke)01.05.192860,0075,00
368Cie. Financière Belgo-Chinoise (6 Stücke)31.03.1926100,00100,00
369City Government of Greater Shanghai01.01.1932100,00130,00
370Französische Konzession Shanghai16.06.1939200,00240,00
371GmbH für Erzeugnisse von Tainan (Tainan Investment Co.)21.10.195770,00offen
372Gouvernement de la République Chinoise, Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai (11 Stücke)01.01.1920150,00280,00
373Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise, Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-u-Hai (4 Stücke)01.09.1920100,00150,00
374Gouvernement de la République Chinoise, Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai (2 Stücke)01.07.1921500,00offen
375Gouvernement Impérial de Chine01.01.1895180,00180,00
376Gouvernement Impérial de Chine01.01.1895300,00700,00
377Gouvernement Impérial de Chine - Emprunt Chinois 5 % Or 1902 (Cheng-Tail Railway)27.01.1903150,00150,00
378Gouvernement Impérial de Chine - Emprunt Chinois 5 % Or 1905 (Peking-Hankow Railway)02.10.1905150,00190,00
379Governement of the Chinese Republic, Railway Equipment Loan 1922 (5 Stücke)01.12.1922100,00320,00
380Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913500,00offen
381Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913240,00340,00
382Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913100,00160,00
383Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913150,00320,00
384Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway (2 Stücke)01.01.1913300,00650,00
385Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway (2 Stücke)01.01.1913300,00650,00
386Government of the Chinese Republic (Marconi Loan)27.08.1918100,00130,00
387Government of the Chinese Republic (Marconi Loan)27.08.1918200,00240,00
388Government of the Chinese Republic (Marconi Loan)27.08.1918200,00200,00
389Government of the Province of Petchili04.04.1913100,00240,00
390Government of the Province of Petchili04.04.1913100,00240,00
391Han Yeh Ping Iron & Coal Co. Ltd.01.04.1915150,00offen
392Han Yeh Ping Iron & Coal Co. Ltd.16.11.1925100,00offen
393Hongkong & Kowloon Investment Co.18.03.191080,0090,00
394Hsin-Gi-Yi Co. Ltd.01.01.193980,00offen
395Imperial Chinese Governement Railway Loan of 1911 (Peking-Hankow Railway) (4 Stücke)01.01.19111.000,001.900,00
396Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.191150,00140,00
397Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan (11 Stücke)15.06.1911500,002.400,00
398Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.1911750,002.000,00
399Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan (4 Stücke)01.09.1908200,00600,00
400Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Supplementary Loan (2 Stücke)01.06.1911100,00280,00
401Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan von 190801.03.1909150,00180,00
402Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan von 190801.03.1909200,00230,00
403Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan von 1908 (3 Stücke)01.03.1909120,00160,00
404Jiangxih Co.01.01.1919100,00offen
405Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn (25 Stücke)200,00220,00
406Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn Ergänzungs-Anleihe von 191001.11.1910500,00500,00
407Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn Ergänzungs-Anleihe von 191001.11.1910150,00180,00
408Kaiserlich Russische Regierung (4 Stücke)01.01.190275,0075,00
409Kie Fung Yuk Co. Ltd.18.10.195680,0080,00
410Kong-Jon Pioneer Ltd.01.01.193480,00offen
411Kuangtun Canton-Hankow Railway Company (Kwong-Tung Yueh-Han)15.04.19142.000,002.000,00
412Kwangtung Hsin-Ling Railway Co.27.12.1913500,00offen
413Kwong Wah Printing Co. Ltd.15.12.1932150,00260,00
414Lue Yueng Collegebuilding21.08.1922100,00360,00
415Luen Tsui Investment Co.01.07.1932100,00100,00
416National Government of the Republic of China - Allied Victory Bond 194201.07.1942100,00220,00
417National Government of the Republic of China, Liberty Bond (11 Stücke)01.01.1937300,00700,00
418Pekin Syndicate, Ltd.(6 Stcke)01.01.1907100,00130,00
419Provinz Kwangtung (9 Stücke)01.11.1912100,00100,00 n
420Republic of China01.09.1912500,001.100,00
421Republic of China01.09.1912500,001.100,00
422Republic of China01.11.19191.000,001.000,00
423Republic of China01.07.1937500,00650,00
424Republic of China (1940) The 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan (3 Stücke)01.05.194090,00280,00
425Republic of China (23 Stücke)150,00200,00
426Republic of China (4 Stücke)01.01.194790,00140,00
427Republic of China (40 Stücke)01.01.1930500,00500,00
428Republic of China - Militär-Anleihe 191701.10.1917100,00offen
429Republik China - United Nationalist Loan (10 Stücke)01.02.1936200,00280,00
430Republique Chinoise01.01.1928100,00120,00
431Republique Chinoise (4 Stücke)27.05.192590,0090,00
432Russisch-Chinesische Bank (Banque Russo-Chinoise)01.01.1896300,00300,00
433San Yee Cereals & Tobacco Joint Stock Co. (2 Stücke)01.01.1920100,00offen
436Shanghai Electric Construction Co. Ltd. (3 Stücke)600,00offen
437Shanghai Municipal Council (9 Stücke 1926-1941)01.01.1926500,00offen
438Shanghai Waterworks Co.10.02.1932100,00170,00
439Shanghai-Nanking Railway (13 Stücke 1904-1907)02.12.1904100,00180,00
440Sin Sin Co. Ltd.25.09.194080,00offen
Alle Angaben in Euro

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