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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
241Walt Disney Productions120,00unsold
242Warwick Valley Railroad03.04.188090,00unsold
243Washington & Oregon Railway29.07.1901450,00unsold
244Weehawken Ferry Co.31.12.1870100,00unsold
245Weir Frog Company10.10.1904240,00unsold
246West Penn Railways01.01.190560,00unsold
247Whiteface Mountain Lodge01.07.190475,00unsold
248Wichita & South Western Railroad09.07.1879120,00unsold
249Wilkes-Barre Wyoming Valley Airport01.01.192090,00105,00
250Wilmington & Manchester Railroad21.01.1860600,00600,00
251Winchester Repeating Arms Co.03.06.1929150,00unsold
252Winther Motors Inc.27.07.1921150,00unsold
253York and Gettysburg Turnpike Road01.07.1821250,00unsold
254Confederate States of America, Cr. 2 (R10) - Ball 12 (R7-)14.05.18611.250,001.250,00 n
255Confederate States of America, Cr. 5 A (R6) - Ball 1 (R4-)01.05.186150,0050,00
256Confederate States of America, Cr. 6 A (R6) - Ball 4 (R4)01.05.186160,00unsold
257Confederate States of America, Cr. 8 (R6) - Ball 9 (R3+)01.05.186150,00unsold
258Confederate States of America, Cr. 14 (R6) - Ball 27 (R5+)01.01.1863180,00unsold
259Confederate States of America, Cr. 18 (R6) - Ball 71 (R5-)08.04.186290,00unsold
260Confederate States of America, Cr. 21 (R6) - Ball 130 (R7-)21.10.186280,00unsold
261Confederate States of America, Cr. 38 (R7) - Ball 88 (R5+)02.02.1863120,00unsold
262Confederate States of America, Cr. 42 (R7) - Ball 107 (R5)06.01.1863100,00unsold
263Confederate States of America, Cr. 46 (R7) - Ball 122 (R5)15.01.186375,0075,00
264Confederate States of America, Cr. 68 A - Ball 103 (R6-)20.02.186350,00unsold
265Confederate States of America, Cr. 70 (R7) - Ball 113 (R5)20.02.186380,00unsold
266Confederate States of America, Cr. 82 (R7) - Ball 50 (R5-)24.05.186275,00unsold
267Confederate States of America, Cr. 85 (R7) - Ball 62 (R4+)17.11.186290,0090,00
268Confederate States of America, Cr. 87 (R7) - Ball 69 (R4+)28.05.186290,00unsold
269Confederate States of America, Cr. 93 (R6) - Ball 95 (R4)05.11.186270,00unsold
270Confederate States of America, Cr. 106 (R4) - Ball 137 (R5)21.10.186290,0090,00 n
271Confederate States of America, Cr. 110 (R9) - Ball 147 (R6-)01.05.1862750,00unsold
272Confederate States of America, Cr. 116 (R8) - Ball 156 (R5-)01.06.1863350,00unsold
273Confederate States of America, Cr. 122 CTF02.03.186345,00unsold
274Confederate States of America, Cr. 124 (R2) - Ball 192 (R2+)02.03.186340,0040,00 n
275Confederate States of America, Cr. 127 (R5) - Ball 258 (R4+)07.08.1863180,00unsold
276Confederate States of America, Cr. 133 (R10) - Ball 273 (R7-)01.04.1863780,00780,00 n
277Confederate States of America, Cr. 144 D (R4) - Ball 329 (R3)01.03.186440,00unsold
278Confederate States of America, Cr. 162 F (R5) - Ball 349 (R6)02.09.1864150,00unsold
279Confederate States of America, Cr. 164 (R11) - Ball 382 (R7)01.07.1864360,00unsold
280Confederate States of America, Pick 20 b - Cr. 285 (R6)02.09.186170,00unsold
281Confederate States of America, Pick 41 - Cr. 286 (R8)02.06.1862190,00unsold
282American Express Co.10.03.18541.000,00unsold
283E. Remington & Sons01.11.18822.500,00unsold
284Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway15.12.188680,00unsold
285Mound City Railway05.02.1885150,00unsold
286Mound City Railway05.06.1885250,00unsold
287New Jersey Junction Railroad30.06.1886250,00250,00
288North American Land Company16.03.1795450,00unsold
289Northern Pacific Railroad01.12.1876500,00unsold
290Northern Pacific Railroad15.12.18841.800,001.900,00
291Orange County Railroad07.12.1896200,00unsold
292Standard Oil Trust08.12.18822.500,002.700,00
293Thomas A. Edison Incorp.09.07.19251.400,00unsold
294West Philadelphia Passenger Railway26.02.1884600,00unsold
295Wilmington & Manchester Railroad07.05.1866240,00unsold
296Wisconsin Cabinet & Panel Co.09.01.1917600,00840,00
297Cie. Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez15.03.18821.250,001.250,00
298Express Nile Steamers Co.20.04.1906150,00185,00
299Sudan Land & Commercial Co. S.A.22.07.1912175,00175,00
300Tramways d'Alexandrie (Égypte) S.A.01.01.189740,00unsold
301AG Rigaer Papierfabriken01.01.1901120,00120,00
302Estnischer Bodenkreditverein01.01.193850,00unsold
303Holzindustrie AG Narova vorm. A.P. Kotschnew01.01.192275,00unsold
304Land Bank of Estonia01.01.193550,00unsold
305Scierie de Riga “A. Broitman” S.A.01.01.192380,00unsold
306Tallinna Ühispank18.03.193570,00unsold
307Distillerie & Malterie de l'Ancre S.A.15.12.189660,00unsold
308Distillerie & Malterie de l'Ancre S.A.15.12.189650,00unsold
309El Mejicano (S.A.) pour la commerce des Tabacs en feuilles et la fabrication des Cigares18.11.190480,0090,00
310Fabrique des Cycles Dorla & Y.M.C.A. S.A.13.11.192360,00unsold
311Koninkrijk Belgie Regie van Telegraaf en Telefoon10.06.194360,00unsold
312Manufacture de Pianos J. Gunther Bruxelles S.A.01.02.192560,00unsold
313Société Belge de Bateaux a Vapeur entre la Belgique et l’Amérique du Sud25.06.1855120,00unsold
314Yacht Club d'Ostende15.04.190575,00unsold
3155 % Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow Staatseisenbahn-Anleihe01.04.190850,0077,00
316Chinese Government Treasury Notes (Vickers Loan) 1925/192901.10.1919400,00unsold
317Cie. Francaise de Tramways & d'Eclairage Électriques de Shanghai01.01.195265,0065,00
318Comptoir Charles Ley S.A.08.11.1923250,00unsold
319Comptoir Charles Ley S.A.01.08.1925250,00unsold
320Fou Foong Flour Mill Co.01.01.1920130,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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