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  FHW Auction 125

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  Gottfried Schultz

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
1Administration Générale de Rentes Nationales & Etrangeres31.03.1835300,00300,00
2Cie. d’Assurance maritime et d’Incendie de l’Escaut20.03.1821300,00unsold
3Cie. d’Assurances Maritimes Le Cercle d’Assureurs01.03.1854200,00unsold
4Compagnie du Lubilash01.01.192875,0085,00
5La Howe Machine Co. S.A.23.03.188975,0075,00
6S.A. Carrière d’Ernzen-Larochette (Gd. D. de Luxembourg)16.06.1900400,00450,00
7S.A. du Charbonnage de Longterne-Ferrand01.07.186350,00unsold
8S.A. du Pont Veuve van Enschodt a Boom01.06.185375,00unsold
9S.A. Metallurgique de Sambre et Moselle (Hüttenverein Samber und Mosel)01.01.190860,0080,00
10Soc. Belge des Bateaux a Vapeur Transatlantiques29.10.1853100,00100,00
11Soc. en Commandite des Etablissements de Bains de Mer a L'usage des Familles07.05.1864100,00unsold
12Société Générale de Belgique S.A.10.05.1929200,00260,00
13Société Royale de Zoologie d’Horticulture et d’Acrement de Bruxelles01.01.1851160,00unsold
14Typo- et Lithographie Anversoise S.A.31.05.190250,0050,00
1532x Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow-Staatseisenbahn30.08.1938100,00120,00
16American-Oriental Bank of Szechuen01.01.19291.500,001.500,00
17China - Konvolut (4 Stücke)100,00100,00 n
18Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) - 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan01.06.1934100,00110,00
19Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) - 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan01.06.1934800,00800,00
20Chinese Government 23rd Year (1934) - 6 % British Boxer Indemnity Loan01.06.1934150,00150,00
21Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913150,00160,00
22Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.191380,0080,00 n
23Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.192580,0080,00 n
24Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.1925100,00100,00
25Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.1925800,00850,00
26Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.1925300,00420,00
27Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan)01.10.191960,0060,00 n
28Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan)01.10.1919400,00400,00
29Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan)01.10.1919400,00400,00
30Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1896 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe in Gold von 1896)01.04.189625,0030,00
31Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1896 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe von 1896)01.04.189625,0025,00
32Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.189825,0030,00
33Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.189825,0025,00
34Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.1898600,00600,00
35Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.1898600,00650,00
36Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.1898400,00460,00
37Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.1898400,00440,00
38Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Shanghai-Nanking Railway) III01.06.190780,0080,00 n
39Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Emprunt 1903)12.04.190525,0030,00
40Governement of the Chinese Republic, Railway Equipment Loan 192201.12.1922100,00110,00
41Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan15.06.1911100,00100,00
42Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan01.09.190880,00100,00
43Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Supplementary Loan01.06.191180,0080,00
44Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan von 190801.03.190980,0085,00
45Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan von 190801.03.1909200,00unsold
46Joint State-Private Guangshon Investment Co. Ltd.01.01.1955100,00unsold
47Kuangtun Canton-Hankow Railway Company (Kwong-Tung Yueh-Han)15.04.19142.000,002.000,00
48Canton-Hankow Eisenbahn01.01.193020,0020,00
49Manchurian Government01.01.1943100,00unsold
50New China Textile Co. Ltd.18.09.194475,00unsold
51Republic of China01.11.19191.000,001.000,00
52Republic of China - 27th year gold loan01.05.193825,0030,00
53Republic of China (1940) The 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan01.05.194050,0050,00
54Republik China Lung-Tsing-u-Hai-Eisenbahn01.01.192025,0035,00
55Republique Chinoise27.05.192525,0030,00
56South Manchurian Railway19.07.19233.000,007.200,00
57South Manchuria Railway Co.01.01.1920150,00unsold
58South Manchuria Railway Co.01.01.1933150,00unsold
59South Manchuria Railway Co.25.07.1938150,00unsold
60Banque Franco-Chinoise pour le Commerce & l’Industrie15.11.193875,00unsold
61Caisse des Mines & des Charbonnages Cie. Gén. de Crédit Houiller & Métallurgique10.11.190050,0055,00
62Cie. des Chemins de Fer Parisiens Tramways Nord27.04.1874100,00100,00
63Cie. des Cinématographes Théophile Pathé S.A.20.02.190750,0050,00
64Cie. des Fosses à Charbon de Mr. Le Marquis de Traisnel13.03.1781400,00420,00
65Cie. Franco-Polonaise des Petroles S.A.10.11.191950,0050,00 n
66Cie. Gén. de Navigation à Vapeur sur les Canaux Hélice Mobile12.02.186450,00unsold
67Cie. Gen. des Mines Réunis Soc. en Commandite01.01.185575,0080,00
68Cie. Parisienne d’Éclairage et de Chauffage par le Gaz S.A.01.01.188810,0010,00
69Coopération Libre des Armeés de Terre et de Mer15.09.1898200,00unsold
70Crédit Lyonnais S.A.26.04.1872100,00130,00
71Entrepot d'Ivry Soc. Nouvelle S.A.08.08.1907100,00100,00
72Filets Pecqueur pour la Fabrication Mécanique des Filets de Peche et autres11.01.1857120,00unsold
73Galeries Lafayette S.A.15.12.192250,0055,00
74L'Hippodrome S.A.16.11.189850,0055,00
75La Gauloise Cie. Anonyme d’Assurances Maritimes01.01.1862100,00unsold
76Mourier S.A.01.01.192775,0075,00
77Navigation de la Dronne S.A.01.03.1835500,00550,00
78Paris Gigantic Wheel and Varieties Company, Ltd.20.09.189880,0080,00
79Perle Nationale S.A.31.05.189950,00unsold
80S.A. André Citroën02.07.192750,0050,00 n
81S.A. de Gymnastique Médicale Mécanique (Système du Docteur Zander)17.06.188060,0060,00
82S.A. des Papeteries Espagnoles du Val d’Aran02.05.190750,00unsold
83Soc. Civile des Eaux Minérales Anti-Diarrrhéiques du Pestrin20.03.190960,00unsold
84Soc. Civile des Port & Débarcadère Maritimes de Notre-Dame-du-Carmen á Cadix (Espagne)01.11.1866100,00unsold
85Soc. Civile L’Union Propriétaire du Temple Maconnique09.05.186550,0050,00
86Soc. de Construction des Moteurs Reinhard Ltd.14.03.191375,0090,00
87Soc. des Gauloises Voitures Omnibus19.05.1846100,00100,00
88Soc. du FIGARO S.A.01.01.192350,00unsold
89Soc. Française d’Armes Automatiques de St. Etienne Bernardon & Cie.15.02.190850,00unsold
90Soc. Française des Filets de Peche S.A.01.03.1920100,00110,00
91Soc. Gén. de Publicité et d'Affiches S.A.17.05.190775,0075,00
92Soc. Maurice Haber & Cie., Exploitation de Mines de Charbon de Terre, Fers, Schistes et autres28.07.1829400,00unsold
93Société Agricole & Industrielle de Montesson24.06.1835150,00150,00
94Société Anonyme Andorrane01.01.186875,0075,00
95Société de Crédit Mobilier01.07.187850,00unsold
96Spoorwegen van Elzas-Lotharingen01.12.192650,00unsold
97Sucrerie, Raffinerie, Distillerie de Bourdon (Puy-de-Dome)04.01.185875,00unsold
98Union Vinicole Algérienne S.A.13.02.191260,00unsold
99Walfanggesellschaft KGaA (Cie. Baleinière Soc. en Com. et par actions)09.03.1854150,00160,00
100Amerikan Film S.A.25.08.192375,0080,00
101Hellenic Electric Railways Co. Ltd.01.05.192650,0050,00
102Hellenic Electric Railways Co. Ltd.01.05.192675,0080,00
103National Mortgage Bank of Greece01.12.192775,0075,00
104National Mortgage Bank of Greece15.04.193050,00unsold
105Canterbury Navigation & Sandwich Harbour Co.19.09.1826300,00320,00
106Capitol Freehold Land & Investment Co. Ltd.22.11.191550,00unsold
107Grand Lodge of Scotland10.02.1870100,00100,00
108London & Globe Finance Corp.14.02.190150,00unsold
109Nixon's Navigation Co.13.03.192350,0050,00
110Royal Horticultural Society02.07.186150,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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