| FHW Auction catalog 103 |
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Lot | Description | Date | Starting price | Sold | 1 | Banco Central Mexicano S.A. | 02.01.1908 | 100,00 | 130,00 | 2 | Banco Central Mexicano S.A. (2 Stücke) | 15.10.1905 | 200,00 | 240,00 | 3 | Banco Central Mexicano S.A. (3 Stücke) | | 300,00 | 360,00 | 4 | Banco de Guanajuato S.A. | 01.01.1906 | 1.000,00 | unsold | 5 | Banco de Guanajuato S.A. | 01.01.1906 | 1.000,00 | unsold | 6 | Banco de Guanajuato S.A. (2 Stücke) | 01.01.1906 | 2.000,00 | unsold | 7 | Banco de Londres y Mexico S.A. (2 Stücke) | 01.12.1933 | 400,00 | 400,00 n | 8 | Banco de Morelos (2 Stücke) | 24.12.1903 | 680,00 | unsold | 9 | Banco de San Luis Potosi | 15.10.1897 | 12.500,00 | unsold | 10 | Banco de Tamaulipas (2 Stücke) | 01.07.1907 | 780,00 | unsold | 11 | Banco Mercantil de Veracruz S.A. | 01.02.1910 | 200,00 | unsold | 12 | Banco Peninsular Mexicano S.A. (2 Stücke) | 01.07.1908 | 100,00 | unsold | 13 | Chinese Government (4 Stücke) | | 500,00 | 750,00 | 14 | Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 1912 (11 Stücke) | 01.01.1912 | 1.000,00 | 1.400,00 | 15 | Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 | 21.05.1913 | 500,00 | 700,00 | 16 | Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 | 21.05.1913 | 100,00 | 150,00 | 17 | Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (12 Stücke) | 21.05.1913 | 1.600,00 | 2.100,00 v | 18 | Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 - (2 Stücke) | 21.05.1913 | 200,00 | 310,00 | 19 | Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 - (3 Stücke) | 21.05.1913 | 800,00 | 1.200,00 v | 20 | Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (4 Stücke) | 21.05.1913 | 400,00 | 570,00 | 21 | Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (6 Stücke) | | 1.000,00 | 1.400,00 | 22 | Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (9 Stücke) | 21.05.1913 | 1.700,00 | 2.400,00 | 23 | Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II) - 4 Stücke | 30.09.1925 | 110,00 | 130,00 v | 24 | Ciudad de Oaxaca de Juárez | 01.01.1910 | 100,00 | unsold | 25 | Convencion Espanola - Mexico (8 Stück) | | 2.500,00 | 2.500,00 n | 26 | Deutsches Reich (19 Stücke) | 01.12.1922 | 100,00 | 100,00 n | 27 | Deutsches Reich, Deutsche Äussere Anleihe 1924 | 15.10.1924 | 300,00 | 300,00 | 28 | Deutsches Reich, Deutsche Äussere Anleihe 1924 | 15.10.1924 | 600,00 | unsold | 29 | Deutsches Reich, Deutsche Äussere Anleihe 1924 | 15.10.1924 | 240,00 | 240,00 | 30 | Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko) | 01.04.1896 | 200,00 | 200,00 | 31 | Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko) | 01.04.1898 | 400,00 | unsold | 32 | Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko) | 01.04.1898 | 400,00 | unsold | 33 | Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko) | 01.04.1898 | 200,00 | unsold | 34 | Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko) | 01.04.1898 | 200,00 | unsold | 35 | Estados Unidos Mexicanos (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko) | 01.10.1899 | 1.000,00 | 1.600,00 | 36 | Ferrocarriles Nacionales de Mexico (National Railways of Mexico) | 01.01.1910 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 37 | Government of the Province of Petchili | 04.04.1913 | 5.000,00 | 7.500,00 | 38 | Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan | 15.06.1911 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 39 | Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Hukuang Railways Gold Loan (7 Stücke) | 15.06.1911 | 500,00 | 550,00 | 40 | Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion) 5 Stücke | 02.11.1908 | 250,00 | 250,00 n | 41 | Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion) 5 Stücke | 02.11.1908 | 1.250,00 | 1.250,00 n | 42 | Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion) 5 Stücke | 02.11.1908 | 750,00 | 750,00 n | 43 | Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion) | 02.11.1908 | 350,00 | 350,00 n | 44 | Königlich Sächsische Staatsschulden-Casse | 01.07.1858 | 100,00 | 110,00 | 45 | Königlich Sächsische Staatsschulden-Casse | 02.01.1862 | 100,00 | 110,00 | 46 | Königlich Sächsische Staatsschulden-Casse | 08.02.1868 | 100,00 | 110,00 | 47 | Königreich Westphalen | 28.02.1809 | 1.000,00 | unsold | 48 | National Pisco to Yca Railway | 01.05.1869 | 75,00 | 110,00 | 49 | Republic of Cuba | 25.06.1952 | 100,00 | 140,00 | 50 | Republic of Poland (20 Stücke) | 01.04.1920 | 1.000,00 | 1.000,00 | 51 | Republica de Mexico - State of San Luis Potosi | 01.01.1889 | 2.000,00 | unsold | 52 | Republica Mexicana | 31.12.1885 | 5.000,00 | unsold | 53 | Republica Mexicana | 08.06.1913 | 200,00 | 200,00 n | 54 | Republica Mexicana | 08.06.1913 | 200,00 | 200,00 n | 55 | Republica Mexicana (2 Stücke) | 01.01.1899 | 300,00 | unsold | 56 | Republica Mexicana (2 Stücke) | 01.01.1910 | 200,00 | 200,00 | 57 | Republica Mexicana - Benito Juarez War Loan (3 Stücke) | | 280,00 | unsold | 58 | Republica Mexicana - Direccion de la Deuda Publica | 16.04.1890 | 1.800,00 | 1.800,00 | 59 | Securanza Mining Co. S.A. | 01.10.1907 | 300,00 | unsold | 60 | Tehuantepec-National-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (11 Stücke) | | 200,00 | 200,00 | 61 | United States of Mexico (Vereinigte Staaten von Mexiko) (50 Stücke) | 21.05.1924 | 1.000,00 | unsold | 62 | Empire of Brazil 4 1/2 % Loan of 1888 | 28.06.1888 | 500,00 | 1.600,00 | 63 | United States of Brazil 5 % Loan of 1895 | 14.01.1896 | 500,00 | 1.600,00 | 64 | United States of Brazil 5 % Funding Bonds | 23.01.1900 | 500,00 | 700,00 | 65 | United States of Brazil Railway Guarantees Rescission 4 % Bonds 1902 | 24.07.1902 | 500,00 | 650,00 | 66 | United States of Brazil Railway Guarantees Rescission 4 % Bonds 2nd. Series 1902 | 09.12.1902 | 250,00 | unsold | 67 | Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil Emprunt à 5 % 1908 | 30.07.1908 | 100,00 | unsold | 68 | Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil Emprunt à 5 % 1909 - Port de Pernambuco | 24.07.1909 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 69 | Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil Emprunt à 5 % 1909 2. Emission | 26.07.1909 | 100,00 | unsold | 70 | Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil Emprunt 4 % 1910 | 05.03.1910 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 71 | Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil Emprunt 4 % 1910 | 05.03.1910 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 72 | Gouvernement Fédéral des États-Unis du Brésil Emprunt 4 % Or 1911 | 21.09.1911 | 150,00 | 150,00 | 73 | United States of Brazil 5 % Funding Bonds (1914) | 21.07.1915 | 400,00 | 800,00 | 74 | United States of Brazil 8 % External Gold Loan | 01.06.1921 | 400,00 | 400,00 | 75 | United States of Brazil Government 7,5 % (Coffee Security) Loan of 1922 | 02.05.1922 | 250,00 | unsold | 76 | United States of Brazil Central Railway Electrification Loan of 1922 | 01.06.1922 | 200,00 | unsold | 77 | United States of Brazil Central Railway Electrification Loan of 1922 | 01.06.1922 | 150,00 | unsold | 78 | United States of Brazil 6,5 % External Gold Loan of 1926 | 01.04.1926 | 300,00 | 300,00 | 79 | United States of Brazil 6,5 % External Gold Loan of 1927 | 15.10.1927 | 300,00 | 300,00 | 80 | United States of Brazil 6,5 % Sterling Loan of 1927 | 15.10.1927 | 200,00 | unsold | 81 | United States of Brazil 5 % Funding Gold Loan of 1931 | 01.10.1931 | 250,00 | 250,00 | 82 | États-Unis du Brésil Emprunt de Consolidation 5 % 1931 à 20 ans | 01.10.1931 | 100,00 | unsold | 83 | États Unis du Brésil Emprunt de Consolidation 5 % 1931 à 40 ans | 01.01.1932 | 50,00 | unsold | 84 | États-Unis du Brésil Emprunt de Consolidation 5 % 1931 à 40 ans | 01.10.1931 | 100,00 | unsold | 85 | États-Unis du Brésil Emprunt de Consolidation 5 % 1931 à 40 ans | 01.10.1931 | 200,00 | unsold | 86 | États-Unis du Brésil Emprunt de Consolidation 5 % 1931 à 20 ans | 01.10.1931 | 200,00 | unsold | 87 | État d’Alagoas Emprunt 5 % Or 1906 | 10.08.1906 | 100,00 | unsold | 88 | État de l’Amazone (Estado do Amazonas / State of the Amazon) | 16.07.1906 | 50,00 | unsold | 89 | État de l’Amazone Emprunt de Consolidation 5 % Or 1915 | 01.02.1916 | 100,00 | unsold | 90 | Province de Bahia Emprunt 5 % | 01.04.1889 | 100,00 | 100,00 n | 91 | State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 1904 | 14.03.1905 | 500,00 | 650,00 | 92 | State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 1904 | 14.03.1905 | 500,00 | 650,00 | 93 | State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 1904 | 14.03.1905 | 2.000,00 | 2.000,00 | 94 | État de Bahia Emprunt Extérieur 5 % 1910 | 01.07.1910 | 100,00 | unsold | 95 | État de Bahia Emprunt Extérieur 5 % 1910 | 01.07.1910 | 100,00 | unsold | 96 | State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 1913 | 22.04.1913 | 250,00 | 500,00 | 97 | State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 1913 | 22.04.1913 | 250,00 | 600,00 | 98 | State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 1913 | 22.04.1913 | 1.000,00 | 2.000,00 | 99 | State of Bahia 5 % Gold Loan of 1913 | 22.04.1913 | 300,00 | unsold | 100 | State of Bahia 5 % Funding Loan of 1915 | 31.03.1916 | 200,00 | 220,00 | 101 | State of Bahia 5 % Funding Loan of 1915 | 31.03.1916 | 200,00 | 220,00 | 102 | State of Bahia 5 % Funding Loan of 1915 | 31.03.1916 | 500,00 | 550,00 | 103 | State of Bahia 6 % Treasury Bills 1918 | 01.01.1918 | 200,00 | 240,00 | 104 | State of Bahia 6 % Treasury Bills 1918 | 01.01.1918 | 200,00 | 240,00 | 105 | State of Bahia 6 % Treasury Bills 1918 | 01.01.1918 | 200,00 | 280,00 | 106 | State of Bahia 6 % Treasury Bills 1918 | 01.01.1918 | 200,00 | 200,00 | 107 | État de Ceara Emprunt Extérieur 5 % Or de 1910 | 20.10.1910 | 150,00 | unsold | 108 | Prefeitura do Districto Federal Emprestimo de 1904 | 01.01.1904 | 1.000,00 | 1.350,00 | 109 | État de Espirito Santo Emprunt 5 % Or | 13.04.1908 | 100,00 | unsold | 110 | État d‘Espirito Santo Emprunt Exterior 5 % | 24.11.1919 | 100,00 | unsold | 111 | État de Minas Geraes Emprunt 1907 5 % Or | 19.09.1907 | 100,00 | unsold | 112 | État de Minas Geraes Emprunt de Conversion 4,5 % Or 1910 | 04.06.1910 | 100,00 | unsold | 113 | État de Minas Geraes Emprunt des Municipalités 4,5 % Or 1911 | 11.04.1911 | 100,00 | unsold | 114 | State of Minas Geraes 6,5 % External Gold Loan of 1928 | 01.03.1928 | 100,00 | 100,00 n | 115 | State of Para 5 % Sterling Loan of 1901 | 01.01.1902 | 500,00 | 700,00 | 116 | State of Para 5 % Sterling Loan of 1907 | 02.07.1907 | 500,00 | 700,00 | 117 | State of Para 5 % Sterling Loan of 1907 | 02.07.1907 | 200,00 | unsold | 118 | State of Para Funding Loan of 1915 | 09.12.1915 | 300,00 | 300,00 | 119 | State of Paraná 5 % Gold Loan of 1905 | 01.12.1905 | 200,00 | 200,00 | 120 | Etat de Parana Emprunt 5 % 1913 | 15.02.1913 | 100,00 | unsold |
| All prices are in Euro
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