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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
963AG vormals Apotheker Richard Brandt01.04.190820,00unsold
964Agricultural Bank of Mississippi21.05.1845125,00unsold
965Aktien-Zuckerfabrik zu Barum01.07.192740,0040,00
966Alabama & Vicksburg Railway27.04.191670,0074,00
967Alaska Mexican Gold Mining14.12.190838,0065,00
968Algemeene Spaarkas01.01.187260,0068,00
969Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft AEG-Telefunken01.06.196833,0037,00
970Allgemeine Hochbau-Gesellschaft AG01.10.192450,0050,00
971Altmärkische Conserven-Fabrik Gardelegen eGmbH01.02.1902250,00540,00
972American Express Co.10.03.1854375,00650,00
973American Express Co.16.03.1857125,00150,00
974American Express Co.16.03.1857350,00360,00
975American Express Co.11.04.1864250,00280,00
976American Express Co.17.10.1865250,00250,00 n
977American Express Co.12.03.1866250,00270,00
978American Express Co.30.01.188675,00125,00
979American Merchants Union Express Co.30.12.1868100,00100,00 n
980Ångfartyget “DICIDO”08.06.192145,0049,00
981Ångfartyget “IRENE”08.06.192145,0049,00
982Astilleros de Mallorca S.A.07.03.197545,00unsold
983Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fé Railroad01.07.188925,00unsold
984Austro-Belgische Eisenbahn- und Industrie-AG21.03.192230,0030,00
985Baltimore & Ohio Railroad14.06.184280,0084,00
986Bank der Vereenigde Staten van America12.11.183920,0024,00
987Bank Industrielle du Japon (Nippon Kogyo Ginko)01.12.190890,0090,00
988Banque Coloniale d'Etudes et d’Entreprises Mutuelles26.01.193018,0026,00
989Banque Credit Bulgare S.A.15.06.193420,00unsold
990Baumwollspinnerei Germania08.06.189975,00unsold
991Baumwollspinnerei Gronau01.04.189975,00unsold
992Baumwollspinnerei Gronau01.04.189975,00unsold
993Bautzen-Neschwitzer Maschinenfabrik AG01.09.192330,0030,00
994Bayerische Vereinsbank01.03.199730,00unsold
995Bergbau und Industrie AG Neumühl01.05.195260,0060,00 v
996Berlin-Borsigwalder Metallwerke Löwenberg AG01.02.192075,00unsold
997Berliner AG für Eisengiesserei und Maschinenfabrikation01.06.1882100,00130,00
998Berliner Bank AG01.07.199040,0045,00
999Berliner Bank AG01.07.199040,00unsold
1000Berliner Commerzbank AG01.09.198940,0045,00
1001Berliner Kraft- und Licht (Bewag)-AG01.02.199730,0031,00
1002Bernhard Wachtendorf AG Fischgroßhandel und Fischverwertung01.02.192350,00unsold
1003Betag Bahn-, Straßen- und Tiefbau-AG01.02.194138,00unsold
1004Bingham Central Railway01.09.190945,0049,00
1005Bitterfelder Actien-Bierbrauerei vormals A. Brömme10.12.1906100,00120,00
1006Bohr-Gesellschaft Metz18.02.1872125,00unsold
1007Boston, Hartford & Erie Railroad19.03.186638,0044,00
1008Boston & Worcester Railroad02.07.186780,0084,00
1009Boulangerie Mécanique Hygiénique d'Egypte09.11.189940,0048,00
1010Bourne Mills10.02.192040,0042,00
1011Brauerei zur Walkmühle H. Lück AG01.12.194160,0060,00
1012Braunkohlen-Schwel-Kraftwerk-Hessen-Frankfurt AG (HEFRAG)01.02.192830,00unsold
1013Brazil Great Southern Railway Company Ltd.16.08.188650,0050,00
1014Brazil Railway Company01.08.191260,00unsold
1015Bremisch-Hannoversche Kleinbahn28.07.190950,0060,00
1016Broadway & Seventh Avenue Railroad01.07.188460,00unsold
1017Bruno Zirrgiebel AG08.06.192365,00unsold
1018Buffalo & New York City Railroad14.11.1853150,00160,00
1019Buffalo & State Line Railroad05.02.185745,0049,00
1020Calcutta Iron & Steel Scrap Dealers Association25,0025,00
1021California Street Cable Railroad21.11.188550,0050,00
1022Cape Cod Railroad01.08.187160,0060,00
1023Carl Ehlers AG Zwieback-, Keks- und Waffel-Fabrik01.12.192550,00unsold
1024Catalana Maritima S.A.26.06.194540,0055,00
1025Cayuga & Susquehanna Railroad26.05.1876100,00104,00
1026Central Committee Knesseth Israel for Rabbi Mayer Baal Haness Charities125,00125,00 n
1027Chambersburg and Bedford Turnpike Road Co.05.06.182160,00unsold
1028Chemische Fabrik Wesseling AG18.12.190575,00unsold
1029Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad27.05.193025,0025,00
1030Chicago Realty Shares, Inc.16.02.193133,00unsold
1031Cia. de Fiacao e Tereidos de Guimaraes S.A.01.07.192363,00unsold
1032Cia. de Fiacao e Tereidos de Guimaraes S.A.01.11.192463,00unsold
1033Cia. Rio Ave S.A.31.12.192338,0038,00
1034Cie. des Eaux de Vienne et d’Exploitation de Distributions d’Eau S.A.16.06.194625,0037,00
1035Cie. Franco-Russe des Ciments Portland de Guelendjik (Mer Noire) S.A.18.09.189435,00unsold
1036Cie. National de Tramways Électriques et Autres15.03.189960,0060,00
1037Cincinnati, Wilmington & Zanesville Railroad10.10.185375,0075,00
1038Cires Sultane S.A.30.09.193040,0044,00
1039Cleveland & Toledo Railroad Co.16.10.186760,0060,00 v
1040Comm.-Ges.a.A. Falkenroth, Kocher & Co. (OU Carl von der Heydt)01.07.1863700,00700,00
1041Comp. Miniere du Haut-Mékong17.01.192820,0022,00
1042Companhia de Mineracao Transtagana S.A.20.10.187435,00unsold
1043Confederate States of America, Cr. 005 (R6) - Ball 2 (R4)01.05.186125,0029,00
1044Confederate States of America, Cr. 006 A (R6) - Ball 4 (R4)01.05.186130,0033,00
1045Confederate States of America, Cr. 006 (R6) - Ball 3 (R4-)10.05.186130,0030,00
1046Confederate States of America, Cr. 007 A (R9) - Ball 7 (R4+)01.05.186165,00unsold
1047Confederate States of America, Cr. 007 (R6) - Ball 6 (R4-)01.05.186130,0033,00
1048Confederate States of America, Cr. 008 (R6) - Ball 9 (R3+)01.05.186130,0033,00
1049Confederate States of America, Cr. 018 (R6) - Ball 71 (R5-)08.04.186240,0041,00
1050Confederate States of America, Cr. 019 (R7) - Ball 83 (R5)20.10.186250,0050,00
1051Confederate States of America, Cr. 020 (R6) - Ball 87 (R4+)10.03.186320,0028,00
1052Confederate States of America, Cr. 022 (R8) - Ball 30 (R6-)21.05.186260,0075,00
1053Confederate States of America, Cr. 024 (R7) - Ball 36 (R6-)22.02.186265,0065,00
1054Confederate States of America, Cr. 025 (R8) - Ball 39 (R6-)10.03.186350,0055,00
1055Confederate States of America, Cr. 026 (R8) - Ball 42 (R6-)06.01.186275,00120,00
1056Confederate States of America, Cr. 027 (R7) - Ball 48 (R5)24.05.186275,00110,00
1057Confederate States of America, Cr. 030 (R7) - Ball 57 (R5)04.11.186260,0080,00
1058Confederate States of America, Cr. 031 (R7) - Ball 63 (R5)03.02.186345,0045,00 v
1059Confederate States of America, Cr. 035 (R7) - Ball 76 (R5)03.02.186338,0044,00
1060Confederate States of America, Cr. 037 (R7) - Ball 84 (R5-)15.08.186250,0050,00 n
1061Confederate States of America, Cr. 038 (R7) - Ball 89 (R6+)02.02.186340,0041,00
1062Confederate States of America, Cr. 043 A (R7) - Ball 111 (R5)07.03.186330,0038,00
1063Confederate States of America, Cr. 051 (R7) - Ball 37 (R5+)05.03.186260,0085,00
1064Confederate States of America, Cr. 053 (R8) - Ball 43 (R5+)31.12.186150,0050,00
1065Confederate States of America, Cr. 054 (R7) - Ball 46 (R5)18.01.186240,0065,00
1066Confederate States of America, Cr. 055 (R7) - Ball 49 (R4+)27.05.186238,0040,00
1067Confederate States of America, Cr. 056 (R8) - Ball 52 (R5-)06.03.186250,0070,00
1068Confederate States of America, Cr. 071 (R5) - Ball 117 (R5-)10.12.186225,0028,00
1069Confederate States of America, Cr. 076 (R7) - Ball 32 (R5+)10.03.186360,0065,00
1070Confederate States of America, Cr. 077 (R8) - Ball 35 (R5+)02.07.186238,0048,00
1071Confederate States of America, Cr. 078 (R7) - Ball 38 (R5)27.02.186245,0045,00
1072Confederate States of America, Cr. 080 (R7) - Ball 44 (R5-)31.12.186145,0075,00
1073Confederate States of America, Cr. 081 (R7) - Ball 47 (R5-)08.02.186245,0050,00
1074Confederate States of America, Cr. 083 (R7) - Ball 53 (R4+)01.03.186240,0045,00
1075Confederate States of America, Cr. 084 (R7) - Ball 56 (R5)21.07.186250,0056,00
1076Confederate States of America, Cr. 087 (R7) - Ball 69 (R4+)28.05.186238,0044,00
1077Confederate States of America, Cr. 090 (R6) - Ball 82 (R4+)25.09.186230,0036,00
1078Confederate States of America, Cr. 093 (R6) - Ball 95 (R4)05.11.186230,0036,00
1079Confederate States of America, Cr. 100 (R5) - Ball 124 (R4+)23.12.186220,0032,00
1080Confederate States of America, Cr. 101 (R5) - Ball 129 (R4+)01.11.186220,0027,00
1081Confederate States of America, Cr. 103 (R4) - Ball 139 (4+)04.03.186360,0080,00
1082Confederate States of America, Cr. 108 (R4) - Ball 143 (R5+)01.04.186245,0065,00
All prices are in Euro

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