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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
603Confederate States of America, Cr. 088 (R6) - Ball 75 (R4+)12.05.186250,0050,00 n
604Confederate States of America, Cr. 089 (R6) - Ball 79 (R5-)15.01.186350,0050,00 n
605Confederate States of America, Cr. 092 (R6) - Ball 91 (R4)07.01.186360,0060,00 n
606Confederate States of America, Cr. 094 (R5) - Ball 101 (R5-)13.12.186240,0040,00
607Confederate States of America, Cr. 095 (R5) - Ball 106 (R5-)20.02.186350,0050,00 n
608Confederate States of America, Cr. 097 (R5) - Ball 115 (R4+)15.01.186345,0045,00 n
609Confederate States of America, Cr. 098 (R5) - Ball 118 (R4+)12.11.186240,0044,00
610Confederate States of America, Cr. 099 (R8) - Ball 121 (R4)30.10.186240,0040,00
611Confederate States of America, Cr. 102 (R5) - Ball 135 (R4+)02.04.186250,0050,00
612Confederate States of America, Cr. 111 (R6) - Ball 148 (R4-)01.05.186275,0075,00 n
613Confederate States of America, Cr. 116 (R8) - Ball 156 (R5-)01.06.1863200,00200,00
614Confederate States of America, Cr. 117 (R10) - Ball 157 (R5+)01.06.1863250,00250,00
615Confederate States of America, Cr. 117 (R10) - Ball 157 (R5+)01.06.1863250,00250,00
616Confederate States of America, Cr. 118 (R10) - Ball 158 (R5)01.06.1863300,00300,00
617Confederate States of America, Cr. 118 (R10) - Ball 158 (R5)01.06.1863300,00300,00
618Confederate States of America, Cr. 119 (R9) - Ball 160 (R5+)01.06.1863475,00500,00
619Confederate States of America, Cr. 119 (R9) - Ball 160 (R5+)01.06.1863450,00475,00
620Confederate States of America, Cr. 121 (R2) - Ball 221 (R3-)02.03.186360,0060,00
621Confederate States of America, Cr. 122 (R4)02.03.186375,0080,00
622Confederate States of America, Cr. 122 A (R9) - Ball 240 (R7+)02.03.186345,0045,00
623Confederate States of America, Cr. 129 (R7) - Ball 261 (R4+)01.04.186360,0060,00 n
624Confederate States of America, Cr. 130 C (R6) - Ball 267 (R4)01.04.186345,0045,00 n
625Confederate States of America, Cr. 141 B (R6) - Ball 290 (R5-)15.12.186475,0075,00 n
626Confederate States of America, Cr. 143 B (R6) - Ball 312 (R5-)01.03.186450,0050,00 n
627Confederate States of America, Cr. 144 C (R4) - Ball 327 (R3+)01.03.186430,0030,00
628Confederate States of America, Cr. 144 D (R4) - Ball 329 (R3)01.03.186430,0030,00
629Confederate States of America, Cr. 144 E (R4) - Ball 330 (R3)01.03.186445,0045,00 n
630Confederate States of America, Cr. 164 (R11) - Ball 382 (R7)01.07.1864300,00unsold
631Confederate States of America (64 Stücke)1.600,001.900,00
632State of North Carolina, Cr. 62V (R7)01.01.186390,0090,00
633State of South Carolina, Cr. 71A (R4)01.04.187145,0045,00 n
634Cie. Belge des Mines d'Or Australiennes S.A.24.01.189785,00unsold
635Cie. Congolaise Sucriere24.12.195375,0085,00
636Cie. d’Assurances Universelles01.01.1834500,00unsold
637Comptoir d'Achat et de Vente de la Mutuelle des Anciens Freres d'Armes30.04.1927120,00unsold
638La Mouture, Bluterie et le Commerce de Farine de Grains01.03.1838250,00unsold
639China - Konvolut (16 Stücke)400,00850,00
640Chinese Central Government Loan11.09.1913800,00unsold
641Chinese Central Government Loan11.09.1913800,00900,00
642Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 191202.09.1912600,001.200,00
643Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 191202.09.1912300,00700,00
644Chinese Government Shanghai Hangchow Ningpo Railway01.01.193675,00110,00
645Chinese Government Shanghai Hangchow Ningpo Railway01.01.193680,00130,00
646Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Imperial Railways of North China)01.07.1899100,00150,00
647Club Concordia in Schanghai01.07.19041.000,001.100,00
648Deutsch-Asiatische Bank31.01.19001.000,00unsold
649Deutsch-Chinesische Seiden-Industrie-Gesellschaft (Kolonialgesellschaft)21.06.1905130,00130,00
650Deutsch-Chinesische Seiden-Industrie-Gesellschaft (Kolonialgesellschaft)21.06.1905180,00180,00
651Deutsch-Chinesische Seiden-Industrie-Gesellschaft (Kolonialgesellschaft)21.06.1905130,00unsold
652Government of the Chinese Republic (Marconi Loan)27.08.19181.000,00unsold
653Hongkong & Kowloon Land & Loan Co.01.01.192080,00unsold
654Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan01.09.1908680,00770,00
655Ministerium für Eisenbahnbau (3 Stücke)01.01.193060,0060,00
656Provinz Kwangtung - National Defense01.03.193850,00unsold
657Republic of China01.01.1916800,001.300,00
658Republic of China01.07.1937250,00900,00
659Republic of China01.04.1947150,00220,00
660Republic of China01.10.194750,0065,00
661Republic of China (1940) The 29th Year Reconstruction Gold Loan01.05.1940150,00unsold
666Tsingtao Brewery Co.25.06.199650,0050,00
667Association Phonique des Grands Artistes S.A.03.11.1906350,00350,00 n
668Banque de Cochinchine S.A.20.10.1908160,00190,00
669Caisse Nationale Francaise d'Assurance contre les Maladies01.08.1913140,00unsold
670Cie. du Chemin de Fer Métropolitain de Paris S.A.20.01.1944100,00unsold
671Cie. Francaise du Gaz de Beausoleil S.A.08.03.1907100,00unsold
672Cie. Francaise du Haut-Niger27.11.1899100,00100,00
673Cie. Gen. de la Laiterie Parisienne10.03.1860200,00200,00
674Cie. Internationale Phonique CIP S.A.01.08.1907140,00140,00
675Cie. Nouvelle d’Horlogerie et de Petite Mecanique15.04.192450,00unsold
676Compagnie des Fonderies de Vaucluse31.05.1808150,00150,00
677Filets Pecqueur pour la Fabrication Mécanique des Filets de Peche et autres11.01.1857350,00unsold
678Football-Club Mulhouse 1893 Stade Bourtzwiller09.08.1921120,00120,00
679Königreich Frankreich Édit de Décembre 1764 (Shakespeare 642, R2)26.08.186575,00110,00
680Königreich Frankreich (Shakespeare 134, R1)31.01.171480,00120,00
681Königreich Frankreich (Shakespeare 571, R1)18.05.175875,00unsold
682La Fonciere Passy Mont-Blanc S.A.29.11.1928100,00unsold
683Macina-Niger S.A. Francaise de Colonisation15.06.1920100,00100,00
684Mines de Houille de Kergogne Soc. en Commandite16.06.1840200,00unsold
685S.A. des Anciens Etablissements HOTCHKISS & Cie.03.03.192875,0080,00
686S. A. des Eaux Minérales et Établissement Thermaux de Martigny-les-Bains (Vosges)10.02.1898180,00unsold
687S.A. Immobilière de la Station Balnéaire de Beauvallon (Golfe de Saint Tropez)15.06.192190,0090,00
688Sancellemoz Sanatorium d’Assy Établissements du Docteur Tobé08.12.1928150,00unsold
689SAVANA S.A. de Filature et Tissages Mécanique05.07.1927100,00110,00
690Soc. d'Exploitation du Theatre du Moulin Rouge S.A.25.07.1906250,00250,00 n
691Soc. Maurice Haber & Cie., Exploitation de Mines de Charbon de Terre, Fers, Schistes et autres28.07.1829400,00460,00
692Soc. Nouvelle des Sultanats du Haut-Oubangui S.A.13.05.192740,00unsold
693Venise à Paris S.A.20.03.1899250,00290,00
694Anglo American Bank of Greece S.A.19.01.192560,00unsold
695Banque de Samos S.A.28.10.192550,0050,00
696Banque Hellénique de Crédit Général S.A. (3 Stücke)12.01.1881200,00unsold
697Chemins de Fer Pirée-Athènes-Peleponèse S.A. (2 Stücke)100,00unsold
698Cie. Hellenique des Marbres de Paros25.05.1882200,00270,00
699Cooperative des Médecins et Pharmaciens de Grèce (3 Stücke)01.10.1910120,00unsold
700Joaillerie-Horlogerie-Bijouterie P. Zenetos Freres & Cie. S.A.27.03.1930500,00600,00
701Johannes Hering AG Brennstoffe13.07.194290,0090,00
702Navigation a Vapeur Panhellenique S.A.18.05.188570,00unsold
703Navigation Nationale de Grèce S.A.24.03.192570,00unsold
704Oriental Shipping Co.14.04.1919150,00150,00
705S.A. d‘Exploitation des Mines „Cyclades“29.09.1906150,00150,00 n
706Soc. Athenienne d'Automobiles “Athena” S.A.01.02.1920120,00120,00
707Soc. Industrielle Héllènique d‘Émaillé S.A.11.01.1928150,00unsold
708„Vinicola“ S.A. Hellénique01.07.1924150,00150,00
709Emerald Mines of Columbia Ltd.26.07.1889100,00120,00
710Grand Lodge of Scotland10.02.1870200,00unsold
711Grand Lodge of Scotland16.06.1908175,00unsold
712Lipton, Ltd.22.03.194980,00unsold
713(New) Centaur Cycle Company Ltd.25.10.1906150,00180,00
714Royal Horticultural Society02.07.1861160,00160,00
715Strand Bridge30.12.1809650,00650,00
716Theatre Royal Drury Lane15.09.1812700,00unsold
717Theatre Royal Drury Lane17.01.18211.400,00unsold
718Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co.13.04.191880,0080,00
719Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co.11.08.192050,00unsold
720Wimborne Minster Gas & Coal Co.12.04.1837250,00unsold
721Winchester Cemetery Co.24.03.1841120,00unsold
722Nav Bharat Mills Ltd.01.01.193050,0050,00
All prices are in Euro

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