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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
363Touring y Automovil Club del Peru30.06.1968100,00unsold
364Varia (9 Stücke)80,00340,00
365Vizekönigreich des Rio de la Plata - Joaquin de la Pezuela29.12.1803150,00150,00 n
366Vizekönigreich Peru - Republica del Peru (31 Stücke)1.000,001.200,00
367Yacht Club de Ancon27.09.195140,0040,00
36842 peruanische Finanzbelege180,00unsold
36988 Dokumente zur Wirtschafts- und Finanzgeschichte von Peru400,00unsold
370Asociacion de Automovilistas de Antofagasta17.01.1953150,00150,00
371Banco de Sonora15.01.1930100,00440,00
372Banco Trasatlantico del Uruguay24.09.1889120,00unsold
373Cia. Bancaria de Fomento y Bienes Raices S.A.15.07.191050,00unsold
374Cia. Bancaria de Paris y México S.A.21.12.190960,00115,00
375Cia. de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico (Cie. des C.d.F. de Porto-Rico)17.05.188875,00unsold
376Club de Polo y Equitacion San Cristobal S.A.01.11.1969150,00150,00
377Compania de Tranvia de Chihuahua01.07.1902150,00180,00
378Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil Emprunt à 5 % 2. Emission26.07.1909100,00unsold
379Gouvernement des Etats Unis du Bresil05.03.1910100,00100,00
380Honduras National Railroad01.07.1910200,00330,00
381PANAMA-CANAL Société d’Études et de Publications pour favoriser l’Achèvement du Canal de Panama09.05.1892200,00unsold
382República de Cuba01.01.1915200,00200,00
383S.A. Quebrachales Paraguayos24.07.1911100,00unsold
384San Marcos and Pinos Company Ltd.03.01.188980,00unsold
385Soc. Financière pour L'Industrie au Mexique S.A. Suisse24.02.190050,0050,00
38613th & 15th Streets Passenger Railway24.02.193765,00unsold
387Addison Railroad13.09.192180,0085,00
388Alabama Great Southern Railroad29.07.194250,00unsold
389Allegheny Valley Railroad07.03.1854100,00unsold
390Allegheny Valley Railroad01.10.1874250,00270,00
391American Express Co.18.05.1866600,00unsold
392American Express Co.07.09.201180,0080,00
393American Telephone & Telegraph22.10.192685,00unsold
394Arizona Telephone and Telegraph Co.17.11.1911150,00unsold
395Bank of America12.01.1886100,00100,00
396Bank of America Corp.30.01.201280,00unsold
397Bank of Catasauqua01.03.1865150,00unsold
398Bank of New-Orleans14.05.1860450,00unsold
399Bank of the Capitol29.11.1854300,00unsold
400Bedford Railroad14.11.18641.000,001.600,00
401Belvidere Delaware Railroad27.01.1927100,00110,00
402Brainerd & Northern Minnesota Railway21.01.1897100,00unsold
403Briggs National Bank27.04.1880100,00unsold
404Brockway Motor Truck Corp.12.11.1930150,00150,00 n
405Bushwhacker Mining Co.23.08.1894350,00unsold
406California, Arizona & Santa Fe Railway23.11.1918150,00190,00
407California Cattle & Land Co.18.11.1903380,00380,00
408California Eastern Railway20.01.1896150,00190,00
409Cape Cod Central Railroad01.08.186570,00unsold
410Cape Cod Railroad01.08.1871130,00unsold
411Carson City Savings Bank10.01.1877180,00180,00
412Chesapeake Steamship Co.03.05.1900200,00unsold
413Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway02.03.1878150,00260,00
414Chicago Motor Vehicle Co.10.03.1903120,00unsold
415Citizens First National Bank and Trust Co. of Ridgewood13.02.194060,0060,00
416Citizens National Bank of Washington City29.09.190460,0060,00 v
417City National Bank of Philadelphia17.10.1884150,00150,00
418Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati & Indianapolis Railway01.05.186980,0080,00 n
419Cleveland, Zanesville and Cincinnati Railroad01.04.185290,0090,00
420Colorado Central Railroad15.01.1880750,00750,00
421Colorado Prince Gold Mining Co.15.05.1880250,00unsold
422Columbus & Ninth Avenue Railroad24.08.189360,00unsold
423Commercial Cable Co.08.02.1897120,00unsold
424Cooperstown & Susquehanna Valley Railroad01.05.188850,00unsold
425County of New York, Bond for the Repayment of Taxes01.02.186750,00unsold
426Dallas Consolidated Traction Railway01.08.1890175,00260,00
427Danville, Hazleton & Wilkesbarre Railroad01.07.1873300,00440,00
428Dayton & Michigan Railroad12.10.185380,00unsold
429Death Valley Railroad01.03.19141.000,002.700,00
430Defender Gold Mining Co.07.03.1901650,00unsold
431Democracy Photoplay Co.28.07.191980,00unsold
432Denver & Boulder Valley Rail Road01.02.1881500,001.100,00
433Detroit Aircraft Corp.30.07.1934250,00unsold
434Dorchester & Milton Branch Railroad01.01.1858100,00unsold
435Dover & Rockaway Railroad22.12.1881100,00110,00
436Dubuque & Sioux City Railroad31.12.188680,00unsold
437Durham & South Carolina Railroad17.09.1913125,00160,00
438East Alabama & Cincinnati Railroad01.07.1870200,00unsold
439East Mahanoy Rail Road06.01.1910180,00550,00
440Eastern Steamship Lines Inc.04.10.192180,0080,00
441Edison Illuminating Co. of St. Louis29.01.189460,00unsold
442Eisenbahnen USA - (37 Stücke sowie 10 Stücke Industrie USA)370,00unsold
443Emmner Union Telephone Co.10.10.1889160,00unsold
444Eva Milling & Mining Co.10.04.1891250,00unsold
445Fageol Motors Co.13.05.192670,0070,00
446Farmers & Exchange Bank03.09.1859180,00180,00 n
447Farmers Loan & Trust Co. of Kansas10.02.1890100,00110,00
448Farmers & Mechanics‘ Bank of Carroll County21.05.1851450,00450,00 n
449Farmingdale & Squan Village Rail Road08.03.187590,0090,00
450First National Bank of Lynchburg20.06.1896200,00240,00
451First National Bank of Skowhegan10.01.190280,0080,00
452First National Bank of Springfield11.03.187380,00unsold
453Ford Motor Co.02.07.201250,0050,00 n
454Fort Knox Silver Mining Co.06.02.1880250,00250,00
455Fruit Growers Package Co.04.01.190890,00unsold
456Fultonville National Bank17.04.1883100,00100,00 n
457Gas and Electric Co. of Bergen County01.12.190080,00unsold
458Georgetown National Bank01.01.1903200,00200,00
459Georgia & Florida Railway14.12.1909125,00unsold
460Girard Gold & Silver Mining Co.26.05.1882300,00unsold
461Golden Conqueror Mines Inc.28.01.1936180,00unsold
462Great Lakes Aircraft Corp.18.04.1934300,00unsold
463Greyhound Motors Corp.19.04.1922400,00unsold
464Hampshire and Hampden Canal Co.01.02.1828250,00unsold
465Harrisburg & Potomac Railroad25.03.1873600,001.350,00
466Hibernia Consolidated Mining Co.21.05.1881500,00unsold
467Holman Gold Mining Co.16.03.1866500,00unsold
468Illinois Central Railroad01.04.1851100,00unsold
469Illinois Central Railroad21.09.1865350,00370,00
470Illinois Southern Railroad01.02.1859500,00650,00
471Indianapolis & St. Louis Railroad01.07.1871600,00unsold
472Ithaca, Auburn & Western Railway01.01.1877200,00200,00 n
473Ithaca, Auburn & Western Railway01.01.1877200,00200,00 n
474Ithaca, Auburn & Western Railway01.01.1877200,00unsold
475Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf Railroad02.06.1879200,00unsold
476Kansas City Viaduct & Terminal Railway23.08.1907150,00150,00 v
477Kimberlite Diamond Mining & Washing Co.12.01.1911100,00170,00
478La Banque des États-Unis01.07.1859180,00unsold
479La Crosse & Milwaukee Rail Road24.01.1859600,00660,00
480Lake Erie & Louisville Railway09.05.1872150,00150,00
481Lake Ontario & Hudson River Rail Road06.04.1857350,00unsold
482Ledger Gold and Silver Mining Co.31.03.1882200,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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