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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
121Etat de Parana Emprunt de Consolidation 6 % Or 191601.04.1917100,00100,00
122State of Paraná 7 % Consolidated Loan08.10.19281.000,001.000,00
123État de Pernambuco Emprunt 5 % 190505.04.1905100,00100,00 n
124État de Pernambuco Emprunt 5 % 190505.04.1905150,00150,00
125État de Pernambuco Emprunt 5 % 190505.04.1905200,00200,00
126État de Pernambuco Emprunt 5 % 190915.06.1909200,00unsold
127État de Pernambuco Emprunt 5 % 190915.06.190975,00unsold
128State of Rio de Janeiro 5,5 % Conversion (Sterling) Loan27.04.1927500,001.600,00
129État de Rio Grande do Norte Emprunt Exterior 5 % Or 191015.03.1910150,00unsold
130L’État de Rio Grande do Sul18.10.1919100,00unsold
131State of Santa Catharina 5 % External Loan of 190930.12.1909500,00550,00
132Estado de Sao Paulo 5 % hypothecated Railway Gold Loan01.04.1905150,00150,00 n
133State of San Paulo 5 % Treasury Bonds 190811.12.1908200,00unsold
134State of San Paulo 5 % Treasury Bonds 191308.04.1913250,00250,00
135State of San Paulo 5 % Treasury Bonds 191308.04.1913250,00250,00
136State of San Paulo 5 % Treasury Bonds 191308.04.1913400,00400,00
137State of San Paulo 5 % Treasury Bonds 191308.04.1913250,00unsold
138State of San Paulo 8 % External Loan of 192114.03.1921150,00unsold
139State of San Paulo 8 % External Loan of 192501.01.1925150,00unsold
140State of San Paulo External Sterling Loan of 192801.05.1929200,00unsold
141State of San Paulo 7 % Coffee Realisation Loan 193001.04.1930250,00unsold
142State of San Paulo 7 % Coffee Realisation Loan 193001.04.1930250,00unsold
143Ville de Bahia Emprunt Or 5 % 190515.03.190680,00unsold
144Ville de Bahia Emprunt Or 5 % 191228.01.1913100,00unsold
145Ville de Bahia Emprunt Or 5 % 191228.01.1913100,00unsold
146City of Bahia 5 % Consolidation Gold Loan of 191630.11.1916200,00200,00
147Ville de Bahia Obligations de Consolidation 5 % Or 191612.06.1917100,00unsold
148Ville de Bahia Obligations de Consolidation 5 % Or 191601.03.1919100,00unsold
149City of Bahia Treasury Bill30.01.191950,00unsold
150Municipality of Bello Horizonte 6 % Sterling Loan of 190520.01.1906300,00440,00
151Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 190515.06.1905125,00unsold
152Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 190515.06.1905125,00unsold
153Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 190515.06.1905150,00unsold
154Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 190611.02.1907250,00440,00
155Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 191201.05.1912100,00unsold
156Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 191201.05.1912250,00400,00
157Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916125,00125,00
158Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916125,00125,00
159Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916200,00200,00
160Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Funding Bonds of 191501.07.1916200,00440,00
161Municipality of Pará (Belem) 6 % Treasury Bills 191901.07.1919200,00200,00
163Municipality of Pelotas 5 % Sterling Loan of 191118.09.1911200,00570,00
164Municipality of Pelotas 5 % Sterling Loan of 191118.09.1911500,001.300,00
165City of Pernambuco (Recife) 5 % Guaranteed Loan01.05.1910200,00570,00
166City of Pernambuco (Recife) 5 % Guaranteed Loan01.05.1910500,001.400,00
167City of Rio de Janeiro (Federal District of the United States of Brazil) 4,5 % Consolidation Sterling Loan of 191231.01.1912250,001.400,00
168City of Rio de Janeiro (Federal District of the United States of Brazil) 6,5 % External Gold Loan01.02.1928125,00unsold
169City of Rio de Janeiro (Federal District of the United States of Brazil) 6,5 % External Gold Loan01.02.1928125,00unsold
170City of Santos 6 % Internal Sterling Loan of 191011.04.1910125,00125,00
171City of Santos 6 % Internal Sterling Loan of 191011.04.1910150,00unsold
172Bahia Tramway Light & Power Co.20.11.1905125,00125,00
173Brazil Great Southern Railway Company Ltd.16.08.188650,00unsold
174Brazil Railway Company01.01.1907200,00unsold
175Brazil Railway Company01.01.1907350,00unsold
176Brazil Railway Company01.07.1909100,00100,00
177Brazil Railway Company01.07.1909100,00100,00
178Brazil Railway Company01.07.1909350,00unsold
179Brazil Railway Company01.07.190950,0050,00
180Brazil Railway Company01.07.190950,00unsold
181Brazil Railway Company01.07.190950,0050,00
182Brazil Railway Company01.08.191275,00unsold
183Brazil Railway Company01.08.1912100,00unsold
184Brazil Railway Company01.08.1912150,00unsold
185Brazil Railway Company 6 % Note 1913-192301.10.1913100,00unsold
186Cie. Brésilienne de Chemins de Fer (Companhia Ferroviaria Brazileira) S.A.14.05.191250,00unsold
187Cie. du Chemin de Fer de Goyaz S.A.15.02.1907125,00unsold
188Cie. du Chemin de Fer de Goyaz S.A.15.02.1907125,00unsold
189Cie. des Chemins de Fer Nord de Sao-Paulo, Réseau d’Araraquara15.03.1911100,00100,00
190Cie. des Chemins de Fer du Nord du Brésil S.A.15.06.190550,00unsold
191Cie. des Chemins de Fer du Nord du Brésil S.A.01.12.1906100,00unsold
192Cie. du Chemin de Fer du Nord du Parana S.A.01.01.1907150,00unsold
193Cie. du Chemin de Fer Sao-Paulo & Rio-Grande S.A.10.07.1895150,00unsold
194Cie. du Chemin de Fer Sao-Paulo & Rio-Grande S.A.01.04.1902100,00100,00
195Cie. du Chemin de Fer Sao-Paulo & Rio-Grande S.A.01.04.1902100,00unsold
196Cie. du Chemin de Fer Sao-Paulo & Rio-Grande S.A.30.10.1905125,00125,00
197Cie. du Chemin de Fer Sao-Paulo & Rio-Grande S.A.01.10.1911100,00unsold
198Cie. du Chemin de Fer Sao-Paulo & Rio-Grande S.A.01.04.1908125,00unsold
199Cie. du Chemin de Fer Victoria a Minas S.A.31.07.1902100,00100,00
200Cie. du Chemin de Fer Victoria a Minas S.A.15.03.190675,00unsold
201Cie. du Chemin de Fer Victoria a Minas S.A.15.03.190675,0075,00
202Cie. du Chemin de Fer Victoria a Minas S.A.10.12.190975,00unsold
203Cie. du Chemin de Fer Victoria a Minas S.A.10.01.191175,00unsold
204Cia. Paulista de Vias Ferreas e Fluviaes01.10.1892250,00unsold
205Cia. Paulista de Estradas de Ferro S.A.01.12.192750,00unsold
206Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.10.1910250,00unsold
207Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.10.1910250,00250,00
208Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.10.1910150,00150,00
209Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.10.1910200,00unsold
210Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.10.1910200,00unsold
211Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.09.192275,00unsold
212Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.09.192250,0050,00
213Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.09.1922100,00unsold
214Madeira-Mamoré Railway Co.01.09.192250,00unsold
215Minas Central Railway of Brazil Ltd.26.10.1885150,00unsold
216Mogyana Railways and Navigation Co. „Sul Mineira Extensions“ 5 % Bonds18.08.1911500,00650,00
217Rio de Janeiro Suburban Tramways Ltd.03.04.1911100,00100,00
218Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light & Power Company Ltd.01.01.1905300,00unsold
219Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light & Power Company Ltd.01.01.1905300,00unsold
220Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light & Power Company Ltd.01.04.1908300,00unsold
221Rio de Janeiro Tramway, Light & Power Company Ltd.03.04.1911500,00650,00
222San Paulo and Minas Railway Company Ltd.02.11.1908250,00unsold
223Sao Paulo Tramway, Light and Power Company Ltd. 5 % Perpetual Cons. Debenture Stock23.11.1948100,00100,00
224South Brazilian Railways Company Ltd.15.08.1910125,00unsold
225South Brazilian Railways Company Ltd.26.02.1911100,00unsold
226State of Bahia South Western Railway Company Ltd.01.03.191580,0080,00
227State of Bahia South Western Railway Company Ltd.01.03.191580,0080,00
228State of Bahia South Western Railway Company Ltd.01.03.191580,00unsold
229State of Bahia South Western Railway Company Ltd.01.03.191580,00unsold
230State of Bahia South Western Railway Company Ltd.01.03.192220,0022,00
231State of Bahia South Western Railway Company Ltd.01.05.193320,0022,00
232Western of Minas Railroad Co. 5 % Guaranteed Loan of 189314.12.1893150,00unsold
233Schutzvereinigung der Besitzer von 5 % Obligationen der Cia. Estrada de Ferro do Oeste de Minas in Rio de Janeiro22.05.1903150,00unsold
234Western of Minas Railroad Co. 5 % Guaranteed Loan of 189314.12.1893175,00unsold
235Western of Minas Railroad Co. 5 % Guaranteed Loan of 189314.12.1893200,00unsold
236Abbaye de Notre-Dame de l’Assomption (Monastère de Saint-Benoit)07.03.1931100,00100,00 v
237Banque de Crédit Hypothécaire & Agricole de l‘État de Bahia (Banco de Credito Hypothecario e Agricola do Estado da Bahia)15.07.191375,0075,00
238Banque Hypothécaire & Agricole de l’Etat d’Espirito Santo S.A.01.01.191175,00unsold
239Brazilian Coffee Estates Ltd.28.04.1926100,00unsold
240Ceara (North Brazil) Water Company Ltd.21.10.1876125,00unsold
241City of San Paulo Improvements & Freehold Land Company Ltd.20.03.1912200,00330,00
All prices are in Euro

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