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  Gottfried Schultz

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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
201Merchants Hotel Co.25.08.187350,00unsold
202Michigan Southern & Northern Indiana Railroad01.04.1860120,00unsold
203Middlesborough Mineral Railway12.03.1903125,00135,00
204Middletown & Crawford Railroad15.08.1871120,00unsold
205Millstone & New-Brunswick Railroad07.04.1880160,00unsold
206Mineral Cities Railway22.05.1906170,00unsold
207Mississippi Central Railroad15.12.1873250,00unsold
208Missoula & Bitter Root Valley Railroad29.02.1896100,00110,00
209Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad15.12.191190,0095,00
210Missouri River Railway01.06.1909350,00unsold
211Missouri Valley Railroad12.10.1867160,00unsold
212Mobile & Birmingham Railroad02.07.1895125,00125,00
213Mobile & Birmingham Railroad20.12.189980,0080,00
214Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City Railroad01.07.1905100,00unsold
215Mobile & Ohio Railroad20.11.1892120,00unsold
216Mokelumne & Campo Seco Canal Mining Co.26.05.1858600,00635,00
217Montevideo Mining & Milling Co.23.11.189690,00unsold
218Morris County Traction Co.15.06.190590,00unsold
219Mount Auburn Cemetery Co.20.10.188670,00unsold
220Narragansett Electric Lighting Co.07.12.188680,00unsold
221National Lock Fastened Wire Fence Co.17.07.188965,00unsold
222National Sugar Manufacturing Co.09.03.188360,00unsold
223Nescopec Railroad01.11.1887200,00240,00
224Netherlands Coffee Co.09.12.1907125,00unsold
225New Albany & Salem Railroad01.12.1855300,00380,00
226New England Blank Book Ruling and Paging Co.17.05.1855225,00unsold
227New Jersey & New York Railroad31.12.1892150,00150,00
228New Jersey & New York Railroad13.02.188950,0050,00
229New Jersey Philatelic Publishing Association25.08.1881275,00320,00
230New Orleans Great Northern Railway Co.21.09.193360,0065,00
231New Orleans & North Eastern Railroad15.01.1883100,00100,00 n
232New Orleans & Southern Railroad26.07.1892300,00unsold
233New Orleans, Texas & Mexico Railway28.04.195275,00110,00
234New Process Steel Hardening Co.10.01.1891150,00180,00
235New River, Holston & Western Railroad23.05.1903225,00260,00
236New York and New Jersey Ferry Co.18.03.189690,0090,00
237New York and Nova Scotia Iron and Coal, Mining and Manufacturing Co.01.08.1876140,00unsold
238New York, Boston & Montreal Railway01.04.1873400,00unsold
239New York, Lake Erie & Western Coal & Railroad01.07.1881160,00160,00
240New York & Long Beach Railroad08.10.1900125,00150,00
241New York & Long Island Railroad08.03.1902200,00unsold
242New York, Ontario & Western Railway22.12.1904150,00unsold
243New York, Rio & Buenos Aires Line Inc.02.06.1931280,00280,00
244New York State Railways01.03.191185,00110,00
245New York Tap and Die Co.16.03.187075,00unsold
246Newhall Petroleum Co.31.08.1876650,00650,00
247Norfolk & Petersburg Railroad14.07.1856175,00unsold
248Norristown Woolen Co.02.01.190750,00unsold
249North Banner Con. Tunnel Co.28.11.188360,0060,00
250North Branch Water Company20.09.190150,0088,00
251North & South Carolina Railroad28.10.1918150,00unsold
252North-Eastern Railroad17.05.1878200,00unsold
253Northern Alabama Railway28.12.1898160,00unsold
254Northern Pacific & Cascade Railroad01.01.1885120,00120,00
255Northern Pacific Coal Co.13.06.1895100,00unsold
256Northern Pacific Express Co.01.01.188365,00unsold
257Northern Pacific & Manitoba Railway09.06.1890120,00unsold
258Northwest Equipment Co. of Minnesota01.02.188970,0070,00
259Norwich & Worcester Railroad01.03.189775,0075,00
260Oakland & Ottawa Rail Road02.03.1855160,00unsold
261Oil City & Ridgeway Railway & Mining Co.27.03.1881160,00unsold
262Oklahoma Central Railway01.12.1905150,00unsold
263Old Glory Mining and Smelting Co.23.02.1897200,00unsold
264Olympic Mining Co.19.05.1904100,00unsold
265Orange County Railroad01.01.1888100,00100,00
266Oregon Pacific Railroad01.10.1880250,00unsold
267Orphan Bell Mining and Milling Co.21.11.189345,0045,00 n
268Overland Telegraph Co.21.06.1899240,00unsold
269Overland Traction Engine Co.18.10.1865150,00150,00
270Oxford Gold Mining Co.03.05.1887120,00unsold
271Pacific Express Co.03.08.1894900,00900,00
272Pacific Railroad (of Missouri)08.11.187595,0095,00
273Pacolet Manufacturing08.01.1884140,00unsold
274Parker Vein Coal04.03.1883150,00unsold
275Paterson & Hudson River Railroad05.04.192760,00unsold
276Peekskill Hydro-Aeroplane Co.01.01.1912175,00unsold
277Pence & Snider Iron Development Co.13.04.188975,00unsold
278Peninsular Railway01.05.1870250,00250,00
279Pennsylvania, Poughkeepsie & Boston Railroad01.01.1890250,00270,00
280Penobscot & Kennebec Railroad01.09.185690,00unsold
281Pensacola Terminal Co.01.05.1891150,00150,00
282Peoples Railway08.01.191375,0075,00
283Peoples-First National Bank21.05.193140,00unsold
284Peoria & Pekin Terminal Railway01.02.190590,00unsold
285Petroleum Steam Barrel Co.30.06.1866160,00unsold
286Phenix Truck Makers Inc.03.07.191790,0090,00
287Philad’a & West Chester Turnpike Road06.07.185290,00unsold
288Philadelphia, Reading & New England Railroad01.08.1892110,00110,00 v
289Pine Creek Railway20.03.1885125,00unsold
290Pittsburgh, Cincinnati & St. Louis Railway01.03.189070,00unsold
291Pittsburgh, McKeesport & Connellsville Railway17.02.190275,0075,00
292Pittsburgh, Wheeling & Kentucky Railroad01.02.190790,00unsold
293Planters Bank of Tennessee03.11.1870200,00unsold
294Playboy Enterprises, Inc.01.03.199960,00unsold
295Polar Star Mining Co.03.10.192950,0055,00
296Polk County Copper Co.15.05.1860190,00unsold
297Portland National Bank of Portland06.11.1889100,00unsold
298Portland & Rumford Falls Railway25.06.190460,0065,00
299Portland Vancouver & Yakima Railway28.12.1897140,00140,00 n
300Postal Telegraph Co.26.01.1882260,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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Sensation! Älteste deutsche Aktie wird für 72.000 € bei FHW versteigert

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