| FHW Auction catalog 79 |
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Lot | Description | Date | Starting price | Sold | 401 | Virginia & Tennessee Railroad | 02.12.1869 | 80,00 | unsold | 402 | Vulcan Mining Co. | 20.05.1848 | 175,00 | unsold | 403 | Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway | 10.05.1904 | 70,00 | 70,00 v | 404 | Wabash Railroad | 01.04.1890 | 125,00 | 125,00 | 405 | Walla Walla Valley Traction Co. | 29.05.1907 | 125,00 | unsold | 406 | Walnut Island Oil Co. | 01.02.1865 | 180,00 | unsold | 407 | Warren Railroad | 01.08.1900 | 160,00 | unsold | 408 | Washington Central Railway | 01.08.1898 | 150,00 | unsold | 409 | Washington & Columbia River Railway | 01.10.1907 | 90,00 | unsold | 410 | Washington & Oregon Railway | 29.07.1901 | 350,00 | 350,00 | 411 | Washington Target Shooting Association | 01.05.1880 | 325,00 | unsold | 412 | Weems Steamboat Co. of Baltimore City | 09.01.1891 | 330,00 | unsold | 413 | West Shore Railway | 04.03.1896 | 90,00 | unsold | 414 | West Side Belt Railroad | 01.01.1898 | 75,00 | 80,00 v | 415 | West Virginia Coal, Iron and Lumber Co. | 10.05.1890 | 75,00 | 75,00 | 416 | West Virginia Midland Railroad | 02.04.1906 | 80,00 | unsold | 417 | Western Air Line Construction | 10.10.1881 | 120,00 | unsold | 418 | Western Dakota Railway | 05.07.1906 | 240,00 | 240,00 | 419 | Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co. | 01.01.1950 | 100,00 | unsold | 420 | Wheeling Terminal Railway | 29.04.1914 | 120,00 | unsold | 421 | Wildwood Water Company | 30.10.1912 | 45,00 | unsold | 422 | Wilkes-Barre & Eastern Railroad | 02.01.1907 | 125,00 | unsold | 423 | Willys Corp. | 14.10.1922 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 424 | Willys-Overland Co. | 13.02.1924 | 90,00 | unsold | 425 | Winchester Repeating Arms Co. | 06.03.1929 | 80,00 | unsold | 426 | Winchester Repeating Arms Co. | 03.06.1929 | 80,00 | unsold | 427 | Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railroad | 01.07.1901 | 85,00 | 85,00 | 428 | Woodruff Sleeping and Parlor Coach Co. | 31.03.1888 | 120,00 | 120,00 | 429 | Woodstock & Blocton Railway | 01.05.1956 | 85,00 | unsold | 430 | World's Columbian Exposition | 30.07.1892 | 450,00 | 450,00 | 431 | Yahoo! Inc. | 04.09.2002 | 75,00 | unsold | 432 | Yellowstone Park Association | 01.06.1885 | 700,00 | 1.050,00 | 433 | Yellowstone Park Boat Co. | 01.01.1910 | 350,00 | unsold | 434 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 7 (R6) - Ball 6 (R4-) | 01.05.1861 | 160,00 | unsold | 435 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 8 (R6) - Ball 9 (R3+) | 01.05.1861 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 436 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 21 (R6) - Ball 130 (R7-) | 21.10.1862 | 70,00 | unsold | 437 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 46 (R7) - Ball 122 (R5) | 15.01.1863 | 75,00 | unsold | 438 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 59 (R7) - Ball 65 (R5-) | 03.02.1863 | 50,00 | unsold | 439 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 83 (R7) - Ball 53 (R4+) | 01.03.1862 | 125,00 | 125,00 n | 440 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 101 (R5) - Ball 127 (R4+) | 01.11.1862 | 40,00 | unsold | 441 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 110 (R9) - Ball 147 (R6-) | 01.05.1862 | 700,00 | 700,00 | 442 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 122 A (R9) - Ball 240 (R7+) | 02.03.1863 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 443 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 125 (R2) - Ball 201 (R3-) | 02.03.1863 | 60,00 | unsold | 444 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 154 (R2) - Ball 366 (R3) | 09.03.1865 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 445 | Confederate States of America, Cr. 165 (R9) - Ball 383 (R7-) | 01.07.1864 | 125,00 | 125,00 n | 446 | State of South Carolina, Cr. 69A (R6) | 01.01.1869 | 100,00 | unsold | 447 | State of South Carolina, Cr. 69B (R6) | 01.01.1869 | 100,00 | unsold | 448 | State of South Carolina, Cr. 71A (R2) | 01.04.1871 | 80,00 | unsold | 449 | State of South Carolina, Cr. 87E (R8) | 24.12.1887 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 450 | State of South Carolina, Cr. 92E (R8) | 22.12.1892 | 100,00 | unsold | 451 | Accessory Transit Co. (of Nicaragua) | 13.11.1855 | 1.400,00 | 1.500,00 | 452 | American Express Co. | 10.03.1854 | 850,00 | unsold | 453 | American Express Co. | 01.04.1863 | 400,00 | unsold | 454 | American Express Co. | 11.04.1864 | 950,00 | 950,00 | 455 | American Express Co. | 26.02.1866 | 550,00 | unsold | 456 | American Merchants Union Express Co. | 30.12.1868 | 250,00 | unsold | 457 | Central Union Depot & Railway Co. of Cincinnati | 27.04.1888 | 170,00 | unsold | 458 | Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad | 23.11.1880 | 220,00 | 290,00 | 459 | E. Remington & Sons | 01.11.1882 | 1.500,00 | unsold | 460 | Getty Oil Company | 24.02.1920 | 500,00 | unsold | 461 | Houston & Texas Central Railway | 20.06.1873 | 425,00 | 425,00 | 462 | Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway | 25.03.1880 | 480,00 | 480,00 | 463 | Mound City Railway | 05.06.1885 | 200,00 | unsold | 464 | New York, Pittsburgh & Chicago Railway | 26.07.1881 | 160,00 | unsold | 465 | Pullman Southern Car Co. | 15.07.1876 | 150,00 | 150,00 | 466 | Rio Grande and Texas Land Company | 21.06.1836 | 6.000,00 | unsold | 467 | Standard Oil Trust | 01.01.1890 | 1.450,00 | unsold | 468 | State of Texas | 02.02.1861 | 1.500,00 | 1.500,00 | 469 | Texas & New Orleans Railroad (of 1874) | 01.12.1883 | 600,00 | unsold | 470 | Thomas A. Edison Incorp. | 20.12.1917 | 1.800,00 | unsold | 471 | Thomas A. Edison Incorp. | 09.07.1925 | 1.200,00 | unsold | 472 | Victor Pagé Motors Corp. | 25.04.1923 | 375,00 | unsold | 473 | Wilmington & Manchester Railroad | 07.05.1866 | 250,00 | 250,00 | 474 | Bourse des Merchandises d'Alexandrie | 01.09.1942 | 50,00 | unsold | 475 | Cairo Electric Railways and Heliopolis Oases Co. | 15.03.1906 | 50,00 | unsold | 476 | Egyptian Land and General Trust Ltd. | 30.12.1907 | 90,00 | 90,00 | 477 | Marconi Radio Telegraph Co. of Egypt | 20.12.1926 | 100,00 | 100,00 | 478 | S.A. des Grands Garages d'Egypte | 26.04.1906 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 479 | Soc. Financière d'Égypte S.A. | 06.01.1863 | 60,00 | unsold | 480 | Travaux d'Irrigation du Gouvernement Égyptien | 29.08.1899 | 60,00 | 60,00 | 481 | Banco Edificador del Plata | 22.12.1910 | 50,00 | unsold | 482 | Banco Latino del Plata | 04.06.1907 | 65,00 | unsold | 483 | Campos Eliseos S.A. | 08.05.1889 | 110,00 | 110,00 | 484 | Cia. Sud Americana de Billetes de Banco S.A. | 01.07.1890 | 150,00 | unsold | 485 | Compania “RIO PEREZ” de Lavaderos de Oro | 01.06.1907 | 70,00 | unsold | 486 | Ehlert Nash Motors S.A. de Automoviles | 01.07.1930 | 180,00 | 180,00 | 487 | Estancias Amberenses Sud-Americanas S.A. | 31.10.1898 | 125,00 | unsold | 488 | Ferro Carril Central de Buenos Aires Ltda. | 21.07.1931 | 70,00 | unsold | 489 | “La Hecto” Compania de Seguros Generales | 20.12.1918 | 60,00 | 60,00 | 490 | LA MUNDIAL Compania de Seguros | 05.06.1924 | 45,00 | unsold | 491 | La Platense Flotilla Co. | 20.03.1886 | 50,00 | 50,00 | 492 | Pesquerias y Fabricas Juncal S.A. | 15.07.1951 | 70,00 | unsold | 493 | S.A. Azucarera Argentina | 27.06.1911 | 125,00 | 125,00 | 494 | S.A. Compania Puerto Ibapobó | 08.04.1919 | 70,00 | 70,00 | 495 | S.A. Savoy Hotel y Anexos de Tucuman | 30.04.1909 | 40,00 | unsold | 496 | Automobiles Vivinus S.A. | 07.03.1908 | 75,00 | unsold | 497 | Cie. des Actionnaires de la Route de Liége à Maestricht par Visé | 01.01.1848 | 350,00 | 350,00 | 498 | Cie. des Cales d’Anvers | 15.05.1902 | 75,00 | unsold | 499 | Cie. du Caoutchouc Monopole du Portugal S.A. | 25.03.1898 | 120,00 | unsold | 500 | Continental Hall Signal Co. S.A. | 09.07.1898 | 70,00 | unsold |
| All prices are in Euro
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