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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
301State Line Gold Mining Co. No. 422.06.1881100,00100,00
302Steinmetz Electric Motor Car Corp.16.05.1923100,00unsold
303Stevens Duryea, Inc.04.03.1920150,00unsold
304Stillwater & St. Paul Railroad24.06.187860,0060,00
305Straight Creek Oil Co.10.10.190490,00unsold
306Sullivan Railroad14.04.1854150,00unsold
307Swan Creek Railway26.02.1883120,00120,00
308Tacoma, Orting & Southeastern Railroad18.12.1896180,00unsold
309Taunton Branch Railroad01.07.1870100,00110,00
310Taylor, Bastrop & Houston Railway01.12.1886150,00unsold
311Tennessee & Carolina Southern Railway11.11.1915180,00unsold
312Tennessee Co.01.12.190160,0060,00
313Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railroad06.01.188680,0085,00
314Texas Electric Railway01.01.1917180,00unsold
315Texas Short Line Railway01.01.190260,00unsold
316The Winter Park Company16.04.1885180,00unsold
317Toledo Belt Railway12.04.188680,0080,00
318Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway07.05.1903150,00150,00
319Toledo, St. Louis & Western Railroad01.07.190080,00unsold
320Tri-County Agricultural and Driving Park Association29.03.189560,00unsold
321U-Nev-Ida Gold Mining Co.10.10.191860,0060,00
322Union Bank of Philadelphia12.10.1853120,00120,00
323Union Coal Co.28.11.186560,0060,00
324Union Oil, Gas & Refiing Co.12.03.190260,00unsold
325United Air Lines Transport Corp. (Delaware)01.01.1934120,00unsold
326United States Mine Signal Manufacturing & Supply Co.02.03.189160,0060,00
327Vicksburg, Shreveport & Pacific Railroad09.06.1881100,00unsold
328Virginia, Missouri & Western Railroad12.06.1895100,00unsold
329Virginia & Tennessee Railroad01.01.1853100,00135,00
330Virginia & Tennessee Railroad02.12.186960,0077,00
331Virginia-Carolina & Southern Railway03.10.191280,00unsold
332Volcanic Oil and Coal15.02.1878120,00120,00
333Volkmar Motor Co.03.06.1921150,00unsold
334Vulcan Mining Co.20.05.1848120,00120,00 n
335Vulcan Oil and Mining Co. of West Virginia23.01.1865150,00unsold
336Wabash Pittsburgh Terminal Railway10.05.190475,0075,00
337Wabash Railroad01.04.189080,00unsold
338Walla Walla Valley Traction Co.27.12.190660,0060,00
339Walt Disney Productions01.01.198860,00unsold
340Washington Central Railway01.08.1898120,00120,00
341Washington Central Railway18.06.1914120,00unsold
342Washington & Columbia River Railway01.10.190780,00unsold
343Washington & Old Dominion Railway28.09.1911100,00110,00
344West End Street Railway Co. of Boston (Mass.)01.01.1894120,00unsold
345Western Pacific Railway01.09.1903120,00120,00
346Westmoreland County Coal and Coke Co.28.04.188360,00unsold
347Wheeling Bridge & Terminal Railway30.01.189260,00unsold
348Wichita Falls & Southern Railway01.01.190875,00unsold
349Wichita & South Western Railroad20.07.1872100,00110,00
350Wildwood & Delaware Bay Short Line Railroad06.01.1913120,00unsold
351Wilmington & Manchester Railroad07.05.1866125,00125,00
352Winner Oil & Gas Co.14.03.1905120,00unsold
353Winnipeg Transfer Railway27.11.1896100,00unsold
354Wiscasset, Waterville & Farmington Railroad01.07.190180,00unsold
355Woodstock & Blocton Railway01.05.195675,0075,00
356World Bible League Corp.15.12.191180,00unsold
357Zanesville Belt & Terminal Railway09.05.1916150,00unsold
358Cie. Universelle du Canal Maritime de Suez02.06.19241.800,001.800,00
359S.A. des Grands Garages d'Egypte26.04.190640,0040,00
360Soc. Financière d'Égypte S.A.06.01.186340,00unsold
361Travaux d'Irrigation du Gouvernement Égyptien29.08.189940,0040,00
362Banco de Galicia y Buenos Aires S.A.01.03.191250,00unsold
363Banco Edificador del Plata22.12.191040,00unsold
364Banco Espanol del Rio de la Plata S.A.10.12.191040,0040,00
365Cia. Nacional de Saneamiento S.A.15.10.192840,0040,00
366Compania de Seguros LA REPUBLICA15.06.190340,00unsold
367Compania Minera S.A. Nueva Concordia05.11.191050,00unsold
368Compania “RIO PEREZ” de Lavaderos de Oro01.06.190740,00unsold
369Ehlert Nash Motors S.A. de Automoviles01.07.1930100,00unsold
370Ferro Carril Central de Buenos Aires Ltda.21.07.193140,00unsold
371Gran Lecheria Central de Buenos Aires S.A.20.06.190640,0040,00
372Industria Automotriz Santa Fe S.A. Fabrica Argentina de Vehicolos DKW Auto Union30.05.196040,00unsold
373Ingenio y Refineria Santa Ana Hileret y Cia. Ltda. S.A.17.07.191240,0040,00
374“La Hecto” Compania de Seguros Generales20.12.191840,00unsold
375LA REPUBLICA S.A. Seguros-Prestamos-Ahorros16.07.190840,0040,00
376Rio Oscar Gold Dredging Co. Ltd.31.12.190440,00unsold
377S.A. Malecon y Puerto Norte de Buenos Aires15.07.188940,00unsold
378S.A. Quebracho Paraguayos24.07.191140,0045,00
379S.A. The American Quebracho Company01.04.190760,00unsold
380Cie. Gén. de Panification S.A.15.12.189650,0050,00
381Companhia de Angola S.A.15.05.189990,0090,00
382Distillerie & Malterie de l'Ancre S.A.15.12.189630,00unsold
383Etablissements STANDARD S.A.01.05.192860,0060,00
384International Mineral Water Co. (Cie. Internationale des Eaux Minérales S.A.)24.04.190240,00unsold
385L'Ikelemba S.A.18.11.189880,00unsold
386Larsen’s Rifle Company S.A.15.04.1882240,00unsold
387Manufactures Céramiques d’Hemixem Gilliot & Co.22.08.195040,00unsold
388Pecheries a Vapeur S.A.25.09.1920200,00200,00
389S.A. Belge des Automobiles Auburn29.11.192550,0050,00
390S.A. Belge des Verreries Coloniales22.04.1900250,00unsold
391Soc. de Plantations & d’Elevage du Kivu S.A.01.01.192785,00unsold
392Banco do Brasil01.01.1853200,00unsold
393Brazil Railway01.01.1907200,00unsold
394Brazilian Company24.09.1833350,00unsold
395Brazilian Company, Conceicao Mine18.02.1836350,00unsold
396Cia. Brasileira de Exploracao de Portos S.A.26.09.192460,00unsold
397Cia. Uniao dos Lavradores01.01.189050,0050,00
398Madeira-Mamoré Railway01.09.192250,00unsold
399AG für Milch, Butter und Käse “Stara-Planina”01.11.1917120,00unsold
400Kingdom of Bulgaria20.12.192630,0030,00
All prices are in Euro

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Sensation! Älteste deutsche Aktie wird für 72.000 € bei FHW versteigert

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