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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
101Morristown and Cumberland Gap Railroad31.05.1893600,001.200,00
102National Bank of Catasauqua15.04.186980,0088,00 v
103National Bank of Methuen24.01.188780,0080,00
104National City Bank of New York27.09.1929100,00unsold
105National Sugar Refining Co. of New Jersey01.01.1940100,00unsold
106Nebraska Southern Railway17.01.1898450,00600,00
107New Castle & Franklin Railroad30.06.1873180,00220,00 v
108New Haven, Middletown & Willimantic Railroad01.10.1870100,00110,00
109New Jersey Junction Railroad (OU John Pierpont Morgan)30.06.1886150,00150,00
110New Jersey & New York Extension Railroad19.05.1896150,00unsold
111New Jersey Southern Railroad14.08.1875250,00unsold
112New London Northern Railroad20.04.1863250,00unsold
113New Orleans and Ohio Railroad - City of Paducah01.01.185980,00unsold
114New Orleans, Mobile & Chicago Railroad02.05.191080,00140,00
115New Orleans, Opelousas & Great Western Railroad25.04.1855750,001.000,00
116New Orleans & Southern Railroad26.07.1892240,00unsold
117New Orleans & Southern Railroad01.08.1892240,00unsold
118New Orleans Sugar Co.28.03.1877500,00500,00
119New York & Boston Railroad16.12.1864180,00unsold
120North Missouri Railroad24.03.18691.850,002.400,00
121Northern Adirondack Extension Railroad15.04.1886200,00unsold
122Northern Adirondack Railroad08.12.1883200,00unsold
123Northern & Southern West Virginia Railroad16.04.1872250,00270,00
124Northumberland Bridge Co.22.04.186475,0075,00
125Oregon Pacific Railroad03.01.1890400,00unsold
126Oregon & Washington Territory Railroad29.04.1891750,001.450,00
127Oswego & Rome Railroad27.02.1869180,00unsold
128Pan Am Corporation09.05.1997100,00unsold
129Pan Motor Co.02.10.1919150,00unsold
130Penn Yan & New York Railway22.09.1885280,00300,00
131Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York Railroad26.02.190485,00102,00
132People‘s Transportation Co.20.05.1865350,00350,00
133Peoples National Bank of Waterville01.11.186960,0075,00
134Peoria & Rock Island Railway13.03.1873250,00unsold
135Philadelphia, Germantown & Norristown Railroad10.12.1850300,00300,00 n
136Pittsburgh & Connellsville Rail Road27.05.1871350,00450,00
137Pittsburgh & Steubenville Railroad01.03.1859200,00unsold
138Playboy Enterprises, Inc.22.10.1975100,00unsold
139Playboy Enterprises, Inc.18.09.1989100,00unsold
140Portland Vancouver & Yakima Railway28.12.1897120,00120,00 v
141Puerto Rico International Airlines, Inc.24.04.197250,00unsold
142Raleigh & Gaston Railroad13.03.1856250,00unsold
143Red Mountain Railroad, Mining & Smelting Co.20.04.1904120,00unsold
144Richmond, Fredericksburg & Potomac Railroad15.02.1878500,00unsold
145Richmond, Nicholasville, Irvine & Beattyville Railroad01.07.1889125,00180,00
146Richmond & West Point Terminal Railway & Warehouse Co.14.05.1891600,00700,00
147Roanoke Machine Works23.06.1888250,00250,00
148Rome & Decatur Railroad01.12.1886150,00150,00
149Savannah Dublin and Western Short Line Railway01.01.1886450,00490,00
150Seaboard, Pennsylvania & Western Railroad01.01.1884300,00unsold
151Sentinel Gold Mining Co.11.12.1897900,00unsold
152Shenandoah Valley Railroad14.03.1883100,00100,00
153Sierra Iron and Quincy Railroad07.01.1882300,00unsold
154Sierra Valley & Mohawk Railroad25.08.1886200,00200,00 n
155Sixth Avenue Railroad01.11.191960,0062,00
156Snohomish Valley Railway01.01.190680,00unsold
157Society in Dedham for Apprehending Horse Thieves13.12.1901160,00unsold
158South Carolina Railroad02.07.1866150,00150,00
159South Mountain Railroad01.02.1873400,00400,00
160Springfield, Jackson & Pomeroy Railroad26.05.1877600,001.100,00
161St. Louis, New Orleans and Ocean Canal and Transportation Co.01.08.1887250,00unsold
162St. Paul & Des Moines Railroad13.01.190980,0090,00
163Standard Oil Trust (OU John D. Rockefeller, Henry M. Flagler, Jabez A. Bostwick)27.10.1882800,00850,00
164State of Mississippi Cr. 38D (R8)06.06.1838100,00130,00
165State of Ohio Canal Stock (Domestic Loan 1842)20.04.1842180,00180,00
166State of Ohio Canal Stock (Loan of 1860)31.01.1850120,00unsold
167Stewart-Warner Speedometer Corp.27.10.1925250,00unsold
168Stockton & Tuolumne County Railroad01.11.1898750,001.200,00
169Swiss Steam Laundry Co.01.05.189280,0080,00
170Tacoma, Lake Park & Columbia River Railway07.09.1892750,00850,00
171Third National Bank of Springfield03.09.1864200,00260,00
172Toledo, Peoria & Western Railway07.05.1903150,00unsold
173Transcontinental Aerial Navigation Co.01.08.1888750,00unsold
174Tucumcari & Memphis Railway01.04.190980,00unsold
175Union Point & White Plains Railroad01.07.1889500,00500,00
176United States Moving Pictures Corp.06.05.192160,00unsold
177United States National Bank18.03.196660,0065,00
178United States Treasury13.03.1813100,00650,00
179Valley Rail Road - City of Baltimore05.11.1880200,00unsold
180Vermont Central Railroad17.03.1853250,00unsold
181War Dance Mining Co.05.07.1912150,00unsold
182Ware National Bank17.01.1896400,00720,00
183Washington City, Virginia Midland & Great Southern Railroad01.05.1873250,00unsold
184Washington Dalles Railroad08.05.1894450,00500,00
185Wiggins Ferry Co.25.05.189960,00unsold
186Williamstown & Delaware River Railroad12.12.1883280,00320,00
187Wilmington, Charlotte & Rutherford Railroad14.07.18681.000,002.400,00
188Yellowstone Park Association12.08.1885480,00unsold
189Cie. Belge des Mines d'Or Australiennes S.A.24.01.189780,00unsold
190Cie. de Réassurances contre les Risques de Mer31.05.1835500,00unsold
191S.A. des Usines Delin Cycles Automobiles Moteurs20.03.189870,00unsold
192Société Générale de Belgique S.A.01.08.1919150,00unsold
193China - Konvolut (30 Stücke)500,00750,00
194China - (Konvolut 4 Stücke)400,00600,00
195China North Industries01.01.1940150,00unsold
196Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (3 Stücke)300,00320,00
197Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway (8 Bonds)200,00220,00
198Manshu Jukogyo KK (Manchurian Heavy Industries Development)01.01.1942100,00unsold
199North China Development01.01.1944130,00unsold
200Cie. Gén. des Horloges Pneumatiques S.A.25.09.187980,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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