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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
201Gouvernement des Etats Unis du Bresil05.03.1910100,00140,00
202Jockey-Club Brasileiro28.10.1948100,00100,00
203Municipality of Pará (Belem) 5 % Gold Loan of 190515.06.1905500,00unsold
204Municipality of Pará (Belem) 6 % Treasury Bills 191901.07.1919100,00unsold
205State of Para09.12.19151.000,00unsold
206State of San Paulo Coffee Institute (Instituto de Cafe do Estado de Sao Paulo)17.01.19272.000,00unsold
207Banque Industrielle de Chine S.A.15.07.19251.300,00unsold
208China - Konvolut (16 Stücke)300,00420,00
209China Southern Airlines Co.26.05.199970,0070,00
210Chinese Central Government Loan11.09.1913800,001.000,00 v
211Chinese Government 5 % Gold Loan of 191202.09.191250,0060,00
212Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913350,00350,00
213Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913350,00350,00 n
214Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.1913350,00350,00
215Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191321.05.191350,0065,00
216Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 191301.06.1913250,00unsold
217Chinese Government 5 % Reorganisation Gold Loan of 1913 (7 Stücke)700,00780,00
218Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.192560,0060,00 n
219Chinese Government Loan (Skoda Loan II)30.09.192580,0080,00 n
220Chinese Government Shanghai Hangchow Ningpo Railway01.01.1936100,00130,00
221Chinese Government Treasury Note 1925/1929 (Vickers Loan)01.10.191950,0060,00
222Chinese Imperial Government Gold Loan of 1898 (Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe)01.03.1898800,00unsold
223Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Imperial Railways of North China)01.07.1899100,00190,00
224Dong Feng Motor Finance Co. Ltd.29.12.199280,0080,00
225Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernement de la République Chinoise07.04.191440,0040,00 v
226Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise01.01.1912380,00unsold
227Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Emprunt 1903)25.04.190750,0050,00
228Governement of the Chinese Republic, Railway Equipment Loan 192201.12.192250,0055,00
229Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913350,00380,00
230Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913350,00380,00
231Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913350,00400,00
232Government of the Chinese Republic, Lung-Tsing-U-Hai Railway01.01.1913350,00390,00
233Government of the Province of Petchili04.04.1913600,00unsold
234Imperial Chinese Government 5 % Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan01.09.190860,0080,00
235Imperial Chinese Government Gold Loan von 190801.03.190965,0065,00
236Republic of China01.11.19192.000,00unsold
237Republic of China01.11.19192.000,00unsold
238Republique Chinoise (20 Stücke)27.05.1925400,00400,00
239Tsingtao Grand Hotel K.K.01.01.192080,0080,00
240Beattie Sugar Co.150,00150,00
241Caribbean Sugar Co.02.08.1926160,00unsold
242Cespedes Sugar Co.01.09.1924200,00220,00
243Cuban Mortgage Bank (Banco Territorial de Cuba S.A.)01.07.1915100,00unsold
244Havana Terminal Railroad01.01.1911160,00190,00
245Hotel Almendares S.A.09.02.1929160,00190,00
246S.A. del Teatro Esteban15.07.1861300,00300,00
247A/S “Laferme” Tallinna01.01.1921100,00unsold
248A/S “Laferme” Tallinna01.01.1921100,00unsold
249A/S “Laferme” Tallinna01.01.1921100,00unsold
250Republic of Estonia01.01.192075,00unsold
251Antène 1 - S.A. de Télévision Pirate01.03.1983240,00unsold
252Banque Rothschild S.A.01.01.1968150,00220,00
253Chemin de Fer de Paris a Versailles (Rive Gauche)26.03.1850250,00550,00
254Cie. du Chemin de Fer Perpignan a Prades S.A.01.01.186775,00unsold
255Compagnie de Pont-á-Mousson S.A.01.07.1950200,00unsold
256Compagnie des Fonderies de Vaucluse31.05.1808150,00150,00 n
257Comptoir de Papiers Peints et Tentures Décoratives S.A.30.09.192960,0060,00 v
258Coopération Libre des Armeés de Terre et de Mer15.09.1898450,00unsold
259Etablissements Mestre & Blatgé Fournitures Gén. pr. Automobiles & Cycles S.A.08.04.1921120,00120,00 n
260Golf et Tennis-Club de Marly et de Fourqueux S.A.01.01.1933160,00unsold
261Industrie Automobile de L‘Oranie F. Bianchi et Cie. S.A.13.04.1926120,00130,00
262Königreich Frankreich Rentes Viagères / Ewige Französische Leibrente16.05.175880,0080,00
263Les Établissements d‘Horticulture B. Carriat S.A.23.11.192240,00unsold
264M'Poko S.A. des Établissements Congolais Gratry12.07.1899160,00180,00
265Montgolfier, Bechetoille, Duret & Cie. Manufacture de Papiers S.C.p.A.01.01.1828350,00unsold
266S.A. de l’Academie de Billard Lyonnaise15.10.1902150,00160,00
267Soc. Civile des Eaux Minérales Anti-Diarrrhéiques du Pestrin20.03.1909120,00unsold
268Soc. Francaise des Nouveaux Accumulateurs D. Tommasi S.A.27.06.1900130,00unsold
269Société Civile L’Union Propriétaire du Temple Maconnique17.10.1874150,00unsold
270Bessemer Saloon Steamboat Co.17.01.187380,0080,00
271Boot‘s Pure Drug Co.01.04.1901250,00255,00
272Channel Tubular Railway Preliminary Co.19.05.189280,0080,00
273Coliseum Cinema (Southport) Ltd.22.09.193760,0085,00
274Dundee Perth and London Shipping Co.14.07.191470,00unsold
275Equitable Loan Bank20.04.1824125,00155,00
276Kent Life and Annuity Assurance18.07.1808400,00400,00
277Llangollen Lime & Fluxing Stone Co.21.09.188180,00unsold
278Newry Navigation Co.01.08.1834600,00unsold
279Poyaisian Land Grant (4 Stücke)400,00unsold
280Tottenham Hotspur plc25.11.198350,0050,00
283AG der k.k.priv. Brünner Zuckerfabrik01.07.18891.200,001.500,00
284AG der Schneebergbahn24.08.1898280,00unsold
285AG der Szegediner Exportdampfmühle und Wasserwerke01.03.1867250,00unsold
286AG Stubaithalbahn15.10.1903100,00unsold
287Allgemeine Versorgungs-Anstalt30.08.1862180,00unsold
288Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg AG16.08.1904150,00unsold
289Böhmische Industrial-Bank25.09.189875,00unsold
290Cechoslovakische Republik01.07.192585,00unsold
291Czechoslovak Commercial Corporation of America (Ceskoslovenské obchodni spolecnosti Americké)21.07.1919170,00170,00 n
292Eisenbahn Schönwehr Elbogen31.12.1901120,00unsold
293ERGON A.S.14.06.200025,00unsold
294"Ericsson" Oesterreichische Elektrizitäts-AG vorm. Deckert & Homolka15.02.192460,0060,00
295Erste Bansko-Bystricaer Obst-Cognac Destillerie Josef Löwy & Co. AG01.01.1922150,00unsold
296Erste österreichische Ex- und Import-Gesellschaft15.05.1867800,00880,00
297Erste Ungarische Borstenvieh-Maststall u. Vorschuß-Gesellschaft01.08.1869500,00unsold
298Erste ungarische Transport-AG01.05.1893170,00210,00
299Frauenkirchner Sparcassa AG01.07.1898180,00180,00
300Galicyjskie Akcyjne Zaklady Górnicze (Galizische Montanwerke AG)04.05.1918100,00110,00
All prices are in Euro

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