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All prices are in EuroSort by
LotDescriptionDateStarting priceSold
91Lusitania Salvage Corp.12.04.1926100,00120,00
92Maid of Orleans, Oil, Chemical, Mine & Developing Co.28.09.1901100,00unsold
93Manhattan Transit Company18.07.191660,0060,00
94Manheim, (Petersburg) & Lancaster Turnpike or (Plank Road) Co.29.12.1879100,00unsold
95Martin Johnson African Expedition Corp.09.04.1924100,00unsold
96McKeesport Natatorium and Medical Institute25.09.1903125,00unsold
97Mechanics Bank of Burlington, N.J.10.03.1878180,00unsold
98Medal Wine Co.12.10.1899150,00unsold
99Memphis, El Paso & Pacific Railroad23.12.1868400,00440,00
100Mergenthaler Linotype Co.04.02.1896100,00unsold
101Michigan Central Railroad01.09.185480,0080,00
102Middletown & Crawford Railroad08.07.1871125,00unsold
103Mobile & Ohio Railroad18.12.1882125,00unsold
104Mobile-Beaumont Oil Co.12.11.190180,0080,00
105Monroe Railroad01.10.1904100,00unsold
106Moon Motor Car Co.21.01.1930250,00unsold
107Moon-Anchor Gold Mining Co.04.01.1898250,00unsold
108Mound City Railway05.06.1885150,00unsold
109Mount Vernon Rail Road04.02.1860600,00unsold
110Mt. Tamalpais & Muir Woods Railway10.04.1922400,00unsold
111National Rivet and Novelty Co.30.03.189460,0060,00
112New England Blank Book Ruling and Paging Co.17.05.1855150,00unsold
113New Jersey Southern Railroad14.08.1875200,00200,00
114New Orleans, Mobile & Texas Railroad01.02.1872250,00unsold
115New York and New Jersey Ferry Co.18.03.189680,0080,00
116New York, Ontario & Western Railway22.12.1904150,00unsold
117New York, Pittsburg & Chicago Construction Co.26.07.188160,0060,00
118North Western Mining and Exchange Co.04.12.1873100,00unsold
119North-Eastern Railroad17.05.1878180,00unsold
120Northern Bank of Kentucky12.01.1887150,00unsold
121Northern Pacific Railroad01.02.1876100,00110,00
122Northern & Southern West Virginia Railroad01.11.1872125,00unsold
123Norwood Spark Preventive & Smoke Consuming Company19.05.1883100,00100,00
124Ocean National Bank20.05.1870750,00unsold
125Ohio & California Refining Oil Co.10.03.1903100,00unsold
126Ohio Central Railroad16.10.1884200,00200,00
127Old Colony Steamboat12.12.1893100,00unsold
128Old Glory Gold Mining and Smelting Co.23.02.1897180,00unsold
129Ontario Bank19.07.1856200,00200,00
130Oriental Oil Co.05.06.190380,00unsold
131Overland Telegraph Co.21.06.1899150,00unsold
132Owensboro, Falls of Rough & Green River Railroad24.07.1892100,00100,00
133Pan Motor Co.02.10.1919200,00unsold
134Panda Project07.04.199760,00unsold
135Peabody Fire Insurance Co.17.10.1890125,00unsold
136Pence & Snider Iron Development Co.13.04.188975,0077,00
137Pennsylvania Wood Preserving Co.18.01.1869125,00unsold
138Pepsi-Cola Co.01.01.195480,00unsold
139Postal Telegraph Co.26.01.1882250,00unsold
140Queen Anne’s Ferry & Equipment Co.01.06.1902180,00unsold
141Quincy & Warsaw Railroad13.03.1871250,00275,00
142Red Elephant Mining Co.24.03.1880150,00170,00
143Richmond Water Company01.11.1886120,00unsold
144Rickenbacker Motor Co.03.11.1926180,00unsold
145Riddlesburg Coal and Iron Co.29.09.1864100,00unsold
146Ringling Bros. - Barnum & Bailey Combined Shows, Inc.25.06.1969250,00unsold
147Rio Grande Southern Railroad01.07.1890350,00350,00
148Root Steam Engine Co.30.09.1873500,00unsold
149Saegersville Slate Quarrying and Manufacturing Co.02.09.1886180,00unsold
150San Francisco, Oakland & San Jose Consolidated Railway06.11.1911180,00190,00
151San Francisco Women’s Buildung Association01.05.1925100,00unsold
152San Juan Pacific Railway01.01.1908100,00unsold
153Sloan’s Valley Railway19.05.1906120,00140,00
154Southern Iowa Railway06.04.1900150,00unsold
155Southern Kansas Railway27.08.1888200,00unsold
156Southern Zinc Co.26.10.186060,00unsold
157St. Joseph & Council Bluffs Railroad20.05.1869200,00220,00
158St. Louis Agricultural and Mechanical Association11.12.1875100,00unsold
159Stad New-York26.05.191360,00unsold
160Standard Hydro-Carbon Machine Co.13.12.188460,0060,00
161Standard Ice Co. of Pittsburgh05.07.1914180,00unsold
162Standard Telephone Co.31.01.1930100,00100,00
163Star Motors, Inc.26.11.1924100,00unsold
164Steubenville & Indiana Railroad19.06.186680,00110,00
165Suffield Gold, Silver and Copper Mining Co.26.09.1866250,00270,00
166Swatara Falls Coal03.08.186580,00unsold
167Tehuantepec Company01.11.1853400,00unsold
168Tennessee Northern Railway15.04.1897175,00unsold
169Texas & Pacific Railway13.05.194380,0085,00
170Texas-Cushing Oil & Development Co.04.11.191960,00unsold
171Thompson Brothers Lumber Co.29.12.1906150,00unsold
172Toledo, Delphos & Burlington Railroad01.07.1880150,00unsold
173Transcontinental Air Transport Inc.26.02.1930300,00unsold
174Transit Oil & Gas Co.31.08.190460,0060,00
175Triple Thermic Motor Co.03.12.1885160,00unsold
176Tucumcari & Memphis Railway01.04.190980,00unsold
177Turbotville & Williamsport Railroad21.01.1893180,00180,00
178Union Canal Co. of Pennsylvania01.11.1853100,00unsold
179United Railroads of Washington22.09.1893125,00135,00
180United States Express Co.03.07.1873250,00unsold
All prices are in Euro

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